Ow Bonnie...

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BB was crying as he stumpled away, TC smiled
"Lets see, who is next..."
She grabs a list "Bonnie" she smirks
Bonnie was snuggling with TB
"I never knew how cute you actually was TB"
He said, TB blushed
"Ya are also cute, I still dont know why I went with tha chicken intread of ya"
He smiled, TC holds her hand infront of her beak
When TB went to the restroom for a while, walked TC to Bonnie
"Hey, Bonnie"
She says, her eyes glowed, Bonnie's ears went up and blushed slightly
"Uhm...hi TC what do you-"
Before he could finish he was pinned againts the wall and TC kissed him long and deep, she moans slightly while she kisses him.
TB came back to see TC making out with Bonnie! His ears go down and he gets tears
"First...ya break up with me...then ya hook up wit mah man!? Wha is wron with ya gal!!"
He yells and runs away
"Mission complete...." TC thinks and wants to stop kissing, but feels Bonnie grabbing her by her waist
"What the!!!?" TC doesnt know what to do and before she knows it Bonnie had pushed her to the ground,
"Lets...go a bit further"
Bonnie smirks and kisses TC long again, TC moans and allows everything
"This goes better then with BB"
She thinks and just enjoys everything thats going on right now
After that Bonnie got up and pulled TC with him up, he kisses her again
"That was fun, we should do that more often"
TC nods and goes to the stage, it was 6 AM again, she grabbed the list
"Thats two...just three to go" she mutters
Before she deactivates she saw a mystirious yellow bunny....

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