Clarkes pov bitter side to princess

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We arrived at a really big house. It was huge! I step out the car and walk over to Raven and O. They seemed to be whispering but stopped imminently when the saw me... Somethings up. "Oh yeah clarke!" Raven grins, like nothing just happened. I decided to act like I hadn't noticed, I didn't wanna make things awkward. "Hey guys, what's up?" At my question they seemed to tense up. By now everyone was surrounding us. "UUUH we're just exited for the party." O quickly answered, then Murphy screamed. "Speaking of which.... LETS GO!"

By now I had gotten used to Murphy's loud eroma, in a way.... It was nice. To have a happy person around. Anyway we start walking into the house and out pops a red head girl. "HEY GUESS.... OOOH WHOS THE KNEW CHICK?" The girl screamed in my face when she noticed me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and recognised the sent... Bellamy. I relax in a spit second. "Sup Harper, this is clarke!" I notice an intense look between the two and it's like they were talking to each other in their mind.. Weird. "Ahhh, Oooh bell looks like you got yourself a looker!" Harper started walking around me, looking up and down... It made me feel very uncomfortable.....

Then I heard her whisper... "She reeks of depression and blood and... Death!" In that second I knew Harper didn't like me, and what the deal with me reeking of death? Can someone smell like death? My thoughts were inturuppted by bellamys voice. "Be careful Harper, not only is she my mate but my pack have already expected her as their Luna, so keep your mouth shut or do you want to start a war?"

I cringe at his voice, this wasn't the Bellamy I know... His loving, calm and kind voice had vanished I turned into a very sinister one. What the fuck is a mate and a Luna AND a pack, also why would it start a war? GOD DAMN IT ALL THESE QUESTION! They started growling at each other like a pack of wild dogs.... So I stepped in... "UUUH h-hey guess, shouldn't w-we get the h-house ready?" The pair stopped and looked over at me... "Huh? Wh-what?" The two scanned me and Bellamy broke out into a smile... "Aww your just so cute princess!" Well that got me off gard.... "Huh I uum well I um t-thank you." I mumble hiding my blushed face as I look down at the floor. "Anyway enough with this lovegdoffy shit! The succubus is right!" Harper grinned... That's when Jasper stepped....

"Hey Harper, that ....... Succubus is one of my best friend, also her name is Clarke. Treat her with respect or I'll rip you throat out with my teeth, understand!" He growled in her face.... You know I never thought jasper liked me but now I think I've changed my mind. Harper stands on her tiptoes and lenses against jasper, she starts rubbing the front of his chest and purrs in his ear. "You know jasper I always wanted you!" Is it just me or this chick is very sexual.... Alrighty then these guys have looked after me.... I guess it's my turn to jump in....

I walk up behind her, and grab her ponytail. Her hair is greasiey and slide through my hand but I mange to keep ahold of it... I pull her away from jasper and kick the back of her knees, she begins to fall and her knees collided with the floor. The group look at me in shock but I take no notice. I look down at Harper who's now sprolled out on the floor. "Hey Harper, just wanna tell you.... Jasper is with monty, someone who is 100times better then you'll ever be. Now I think it's best if you stay outta my way and my friend or...... I'll kick your ass, okay?" The only reply I had was a growl. I turn back to the group and smile. "We gonna go in?" They just grin back......


Is gonna be a long night.

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