Chapter 1 - Leaving

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I looked at my food. Noticing all the stares I got from my family. I know that this time I went too far, but I couldn't help it. My clothes where dirty. Not that I mind, but mother isn't as amused of my actions as I was, and don't even start with father. He is mad, very mad. I didn't dare to look up at him. My father was eating his salted pork, looking up every time he took a bite. My sisters and brother were anticipating if my father would say anything, but nothing came. I didn't hear a word the whole evening. And I had nothing to eat. Damn it. Pork was my favourite supper!

Now I sat on my bed, still in my dirty clothes. I looked out the window. It was so easy to just go and leave this horrible royal life. My family knew I didn't desire any of this wealth. They didn't give me the highest room in the castle for nothing. That is so I wouldn't just escape out of the window... At least, that is what they think. What they do not know is that I could easily climb out of that small window and climb all the way down the tower-wall...

But I love my family. I couldn't just leave them... right? I slowly stood up and walked over to the window. My forehead touched the cold glass. My eyes darting over the hills, woods, to the setting sun...

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I quickly backed away from the window. I couldn't even say anything or my mother came marching in the room. I will not cower back down, not this time. I stood with my head high. Not looking away from my mothers' eyes. She looked right back at me. Firs she didn't say anything.

"Averill." The queen said with authority. You could hear the anger lingering in her voice. "I am not happy with your actions today."

"I know, mother." I said quietly. Not wanting to anger her more. "Then why?! Why are you behaving like this! Why are you not like your sisters!" She stared to raise her voice. "Because..." I hesitated once. If I tell her this now, there is no way back. "Because, I am no princess. Maybe in blood, but not in my heart. I cannot live like this anymore. I want to go outside, fight for our country, get my clothes dirty! This royal life is not for me. Can't you see that, mother?" I had tears in my eyes, I blinked furiously to not let them fall. My mother just looked at me. For the first time I looked down, but I immediately looked back up. I saw nothing but coldness there.

"I love you, mother. But I have to go."

"If that is what you wish, then go. But if you ever are in need of our help or love... Don't expect to receive it." And with that she turned away and left my room, slamming the door behind her.

I did not cry nor smile. I just walked over to my wardrobe and started packing. A small leather bag with a fresh pare of clothes and a patch of money. I changed in brown pants and a brown tunic. I put my dark green cloak around me and put on some leather boots. I was making sure my two daggers were on me and my bow and quiver on my back. Before going to the stables I slipped in the kitchen for some bread, fruits and a water flask. I ran to the stables and got Mellon out if her box. I quickly got her ready and then mounted her.

"I know it's late girl, but we're going on an adventure." I soothed her. She neighed softly back, as if she heard me.

We trotted out of the stables and when we were on the bridge that leaded us out of the palace, I stopped her and looked back one more time. I touched my head with my hand in respect to say goodbye one last time to my family.

"Let's go, Mellon." I said to my only companion. And we cantered away. Away from my old life and into the new one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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