Homeless death

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The walls;smoked stained,damp patches everywhere,a sickly grey paint colour was pealing off the walls of this dinchy squat.The ceiling;cobwebs multiplying as hours slowly drift away,one bulb,dully lit the whole room as if a man was dying with a candle placed at his bedside table,but no warmth filled the room, no satin covers,just old smelling sleeping bags, barely fitting around these dying and decaying bodies, these poor souls sleeping in the centre of  a cramped and uncarpeted room,to which these strangers tryed to create any sort of heat.

She layed there twisting and turning, dreaming of her mum and dad."Dirty slut, Dirty slut, Dirty slut"she kept seeing her dad calling;louder and louder,heart racing,she was running but she wasn't moving anywhere.Suddenly her mum appeared and slapped her dad violently round the face,her mum faced her,eyes faring she drew nearer and nearer,clenching her fist...

She woke up, her breathing was slow and raspy, her palms sweating and tears ran down her face. She looked around thinking, how could she be so stupid, she needed to get back for the sake of her father, she grabbed all she had and carefully made her way out the caved in door.

It was dark outside,a chilly breeze lingered around her,a shiver rippled up her fragile spine,which made her jump a little,she turned round and an owl startled her.She took a breath and began to run,she ran for ages and ages,her feet sore from blisters that were left untreated,cramp threatened her anorexic legs,her hands began to turn purple with the cold that furiously cradled her body.She kept running all the way home,her body straining for air,energy,water,food anything that would help her...

She finally reached her front door,stopping and squatting for oxygen,she took a few deep breaths and stood up,the world began spinning,her body caving in,crushing under pressure.Her eyes rolled back in her head,she fell violently to the floor of her home. Her body slumped awkwardly on the slabs outsides her home, no-one will ever know her story, no-one will ever find out the truth of why she left home to start with but why did she come back, well she thought that they would take her in again...


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