Chapter 1 - WHO AM I?

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He's My Only Weakness - Harry

Neha is my best friend . She has black long hair that every girl dreams of having and brown eyes. Shes been by my side since we were 10 and we haven't let eachother's side by then. Yes, we had them little fights that kids have but except for that, we were stuck like glue. I love her and she loves me. Who am I? I'm Rain. Odd name but if a girl could be called sunny, then hell yeah! I could be called Rain. It simple as that. All I am is a single 17 year old girl with blond hair and blue eyes. And i'm proud of it.

'Tell me another joke.' I said quickly before she changes her mind.

'Okay, one more. What do you call a dear with no eyes?'


'NoEye dear!'

I burst into laughter. I know it wasn't the most amazing joke in the world, but I loved it. It was a pun. Do you get it? I love it. And its betterbecause my funny friend Neha said it.

'I can't believe you like my old jokes.' Neha said. We were in her room telling eachother's joke. Neha is the funniest person I've met and I'll ever meet.

'What? Neha, your jokes are like junk food. I just can't get enough of it.' I said getting cozy in her bed.

'Talking about junk food, you want something to eat or drink?' Neha said getting up and going to the fridge in her room. Yes, I said it! Neha has a fridge

in her room. And not just that, its a cute little pink one. I never knew fridges could look so cute. I smiled. Whats with my weird thinking?

'Nah, I can't.' I look at my watch. 'Shoot! I should be going. Mum must be waiting. Bye! See you in school.' I said grabbing my bag.

'Bye! And don't forget to bring your maths homework.'

'Shoot! I forgot to do it!' I said hitting my forehead several times.

'Don't kill yourself, I've done it.' She throws a paper to me. 'Copy and give it to me tomorrow you idiot.' She said smiling.

'Thanks, your the best. Bye!' I put the paper in my bag.

Going home

'Thanks, your the best. Bye!' I put the paper in my bag.

'I know. See ya.' I left her house and started walking home. I lived 5 blocks away. I could be home in 5 minutes. I put my hoodie over my head and put my hands in my pocket.

I sighed. I texted my mum that I'm coming home before she phones me and gives me a lecture. I sighed. I was walking near a park. There was no one there but a little girl and a man who seemed to be his father who was pushing the swing for her. I smiled. That reminds me of my dad. He used to be the best pusher when it comes to swing. He never used to do it too fast or too slow. Just perfect. We were so close. Dad and me. We were like fish and water. We couldn't live without eachother. But somehow i did. I am sitting here living my life. And my dad? He died in a car crash 2 years ago. And people say that whenever someone close dies, you feel a different side of you. You become a new person. I don't believe that at all. Yes, it was tragic but my life is just the same. Dull. Actually, since my dad's death, my life has been duller than ever.

And all I could do is cry. Tear after tear. What are these tears for anyway? They are pointless. Just pointless. I walked fast so I could just quickly go home and get this things out of my head. And walking here, seeing the busy streets and traffic just makes me alone. I have my mum who loves me a lot and friends who will do anything for my happiness but I still feel a hole in my heart.

I wiped my tears. 'Okay stop it Rain,' I said to myself. 'Your more cheesy then mum's lasagna.' I laughed to my self.

Meeting with a Guy

I felt a thud on my head. A big pain overwhelmed me and made me fall on the ground. 'Shoot!' I said rubbing my forehead. What the hell was that?

I blink my eyes a few eyes to get the blurriness.

'Oh, Man! I'm so sorry. I was trying to- but then- Does it hurt?' I looked up to see a hot guy. He was perfect. He had brown hair and the most amazing blue eyes ever. He looked down at me concerned.

'Am I dead?' I whispered up to him.

He laughed. 'No, your not. You just hit your head.'

I put my hand on my head where it hurts and felt a bump. 'Shoot!' I said. I quickly looked around. I was on the pavement and I could see a football near me.

'What happened?' I said confused.

'Well, it was my fault. I kicked the ball and it landed on your head. I'm really sorry.' I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. I got up from the pavement and put my hoodie up.Normally, I would get mad and whack the ball back but look at this guy! He was handsome and nice. And you don't find them kind of men easily.

'Nah, its fine. I should have seen it.'

'Does it hurt?' He said. I looked at him closely again. He was gorgeous. like a guy I've never seen before.

'A bit but I'll live.' I said. I smiled awkwardly. He was the one who looked more awkward. He kept on looking at the floor. I laughed.

'Its fine. Mistakes happen.' I smiled for the last time and walked away. I rather go then make it more awkward for him.

'Okay then! Well, sorry again!' I heard him shout behind me. I didn't look back and kept on walking with my hands in my pocket.

He was the perfect guy and instead of starting a conversation, I walk away. Very clever Rain. I guess if fate decides, we will meet again. Urge, I am so cheesy today.

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