Chapter 2 -Surprise !

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'Hey darling. Did you say hi to Neha's mum for me?' Mum said while I collapsed on the sofa.

'Yep! She said Hi back.' I lied. I actually forgot but if I tell my mum, she would start her bickering about how you shouldn't forget and what happens. So I took the easy and mean way out. Lying.

'Great. You want something to eat?' She said nicely. Wait, whats going on? My mum is never nice. Never. She called me darling and now shes asking me for something to eat?

There must be a catch. The last time she was nice to me, I was left in my grandma's house for 2 whole bloody weeks! And if you met my grandma, you would know that it was hell for me.

'Not really. I'm not hungry.' I mumbled suspiciously.

'Sweetie, is everything okay?' She said nicely, checking my forehead for a fever. Okay, if she trying to say that I eat a lot? Just because I'm not hungry, doesn't mean that the world has turned into salt. And she called me sweetie. This is getting weirder. I'm going to quickly go to my room before something weirder would happen. If thats possible.

I was about to go when my mum gave me something.

'What's this?' I looked at the little box that was decorated with ribbons and glitter.

'Its a little present from me.' She said happily. I made a face. Something is definitely wrong. I opened the box to see an angel necklace. It was so pretty. The angel was playing a flue and had a halo.

'Wow. Its beautiful.' I said. I couldn't stop smiling. 'Thanks Mum!' I hugged her as tight as I can. Wow, I love her so much. I love angels and I'm obsessed with them. I have angel dolls, angel posters, angel key rings, angel bed cover and so much more. And this necklace is perfect!

'You like it? I saw it in Thailand last week and thought I would get you it, you sure you like it?'

'Like it? I love it! Its amazing.' I hugged her again.

Shocking news:

My mom told me 'Oh, and by the way, Aryan is coming to stay for a few weeks.' She said happily before running upstairs.

Why was she running? Wait a minute.... Did she just say Aryan Harries!??!! THE ARYAN who used to paint my face when I was asleep. THE ARYAN who told everyone I farted in school and I was called Stinky for 2 years when I didn't. And also THE ARYAN who ripped my favourite angel costume on halloween and I had to dress like a old fashioned ghost with 2 circle cuts for my eyes with a dining table cloth. Okay, i guess they were 6 years ago but it was the worst time of my life. He used to make me feel un worthy and stupid. And hes coming here?Hes my worsestfriking enemy! What if he does something else? What if embarrases me twice as before. I wouldn't be able to do this.

I stomped my feet upstairs to my mum's room.

'Mum! I'm not letting that idiot into my house!' I came in to see her fast asleep. But she wasn't snoring, meaning she wasn't asleep. I can't believe this! My mother is fake sleeping to avoid a very important issue. 'Mum! I know your faking it! Just please, I don't want him to come. Mum, he's ruined my life when i was small, what if he ruins it again? Would you like that? Your own daughter suffering.'

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me with the 'Okay Okay Fine!' eyes. I sat with her on the bed.

She sighed. 'Aryan has changed. And a lot in his life too.'

I frowned. 'What do you mean?'

She got my hair and was starting to make a pattern. She does this when she has something hard to say. 'Aryan is not the same old Aryan. But I wish he was.' She took the pattern out of my hair and started again. 'When he was 15 and we moved out and lived far away, you didn't want to see Aryan anymore but he wanted to see you. His mum said he wanted to see you but you wouldn't let him and when he did visit, you were never home. You were always having new competition or going to different countries and he didn't know what to do.' I looked down. I guess I was being too harsh on him. I can't believe it, the guy who I hated, wanted to meet me. But why and why didnt my mum tell me.

'I know what you thinking, why didn't I tell ya?' She continued. 'He told me not to but I think you should know.'

'Mum, I don't understand.' I said. It was all confusing.

'Its not that, its something else.' She looked really worried now. 'Its just that 5 months ago, Aryan's dad died.'

I put my hand to my face. This couldn't be true. Aryan's dad? The Mr Harries I knew? I remember him a bit. He used to always take me and Aryan to the park and push us on the swings. His dad and my dad were besties. But for some reason, Aryan's mum, Miss Harries got divorced ages ago and Aryan wasn't that close with him anymore. But I couldn't believe it. Aryan seemed so innocent now. Why do I think that? Why can't I seem him as a threat now? Why do I think that me and him have both lost our dads, making us the same. But more importantly, why didn't my mum tell me?

'5 months ago?' I said angrily. 'Mum! You hid this from me? How can you do that?'

'I had to, darling. Aryan told me not to. I wanted to do something for him, some way of feeling supportive and he begged me not to tell you.'

'Begged? Why would he care how I feel about this?' I said. 'AAAAAH!!!' I messed all my hair up. 'Its so frustrating!!'

'I know darling, but this is the big question.' She paused. I listened closely. 'Can Aryan stay here for a while because his mother is going to work abroad for a while? Can he? Without you hassling him?'

'WHAT! I don't hassle him!' I screamed.

'Okay, dont get him angry. Ive seen him.Hes actually a handsome fella.' She said winking her eye.

'Mum! This is serious.' I said. I was outraged with the way she acts at times like this.

'Okay Okay, but are you okay with him coming to stay. Hes just staying for a week. A month MAX! And you guys could catch up with the old times.'

'Please! His pranks are so not what we should catch up on. He would get funny ideas again.'

'Wait! What was that? You want him to come?' She said nudging me.

'Mum! I still hate him but I guess he could come to stay for a few weeks. A FEW WEEKS!' I said. He may be a pain when we were young, but maybe he has changed. Or maybe hes the same old guy. I guess we were kind of friends when we were little, just before I got mad at him. And a few weeks will go as quick as a mouse chased by a tiger.

I guess it won't be that bad. But something came to mind, what kind of person is he now?

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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