Fighting for Love

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Katelyn's POV
Laurance heart beat stopped...
The nurses came running in. I was forced to go outside. Laurance... Don't leave me.. The nurses suddenly came outside. They smiled then walked away. I came inside and Laurance was perfectly fine..
"K-Katelyn I'm f-fine.."
"Laurance.. Get some rest. You need it.."
He nodded. I hate seeing him weak.. It hurts me.. I don't want him to be weak ever again and I am taking his place if this all happens again.

       Hours past. The day was almost over. I stayed with Laurance for the whole day. I can't leave him. Not like this.
"Laurance.. Are you feeling better?"
He weakly nodded. Tears came down my eyes.
"M-My lady... What's w-wrong.."
I rubbed the tears. Laurance sadly stared at me.
"Sorry Laurance.. Its just.. You stabbed yourself..."
"S-Sorry you h-had to see that m-my lady..."
"No, its fine. You fought for love.. And thats enough for me.."
Laurance weakly smiled at me. I smiled back. He weakly pulled me in. I didn't want him to feel any worse so I kissed him.
"I love you Laurance.."
He weakly looked at me. He was trying to respond, but had trouble.
"I.. L-Love you t-too... My l-lady..."
I smiled at him. It was a beautiful night, and I know he will get better. Laurance is strong.. We will both get through this...

Days past. Laurance got well quickly and got out of the hospital. Katelyn loved him for fighting, as Laurance did the same. They both came back to Phoenix Drop. Everyone accepted Laurance's apology. Katelyn and Laurance have found them both to love each other again. But as the day come by, the wedding creeped near. The two would soon be a happy couple. With no worries, and no problems.

Almost done :3 about one or two chapters left :3

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