Dorm Room struggles

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I collapsed on my bed almost spilling the open Red Bull in my hand. It's the only thing that's keeping me awake for most of the day. I look at my backpack that I threw on my desk and debated whether or not I should study for my mid-term tomorrow.


I grabbed the remote that was lodged between the mattress and the wall, as it often gets stuck there. I flipped through the channels only to find the only thing on was an infomercial advertising a new way to lose weight. I shut off the T.V. and finished my energy drink just to take a sleeping pill and pass out an hour later.

I'm in my sophomore year of college and I don't give two shits. I don't even know how I got into Yale when I got mediocre grades and shitty personality. Oh yea, now I remember. My parents bribed the entrance board to put me in. I never wanted to go to college. I was perfectly happy being a guitarist even if it meant not making as much money as my parents did. If it was one thing I learned from them, was no matter how much money you have or don't have, LIFE SUCKS!!! Nothing will ever be in you favor.

I know a lot more people have it a lot tougher than me, but I don't feel control on my own life. My parents want me to become a fucking lawyer for gods sake. I'm a 20 year old with tattoos all over my fucking body and piercings on my face. Who in their right mind would hire a lawyer who looks like they have been to jail themselves?

I woke up after a measly 4 hours of sleep with an idea in my mind. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out all the clothes I had and threw it in the duffel bag under my bed. I lifted up the mattress and grabbed my stash of cigarettes for the ride. I took all the money I had and threw everything in the back seat of my 1987 Pontiac Trans Am. I don't give a crap about "logic" right now. I just want to get out of this hell-hole.

hi! this is kinda like a prologue but I hoped you enjoyed! I'll be updating shortly and it will be more interesting in the next few parts so stay tuned!
-Nella <3

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