Part 004

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*at red robins*

Nobody (pov)

They arrived at RR and there was of course fans.So fans was saying we make a cute couple and stuff and others was being rude but they didn't care.So they sat down and waited for a waiter to come

Roc-okay so Keisha just texted me and said meet her at the hotel at 6pm and make sure were pack and stuff.

YN-oh am ready I just gotta say goodbye to my mom and peppers(your dog)

Roc-okay do after this take you home


Waiter-hello am sandy how may I help you

Roc-umm I would like hot wings and Potao skins with cheese (they are good)

Waiter-okay and for you young lady

YN-I'll have the same but my wings will be hot

Roc-oh yea mines to

Waiter-okay drinks?


YN-diet coke

Waiter-okay it be out in about 15 minutes and you guys make a cute couple

Roc-where no-(gco)

Yn-thank you( looks at him and smile )


Then she walked away

Roc-so can't wait for tonight

YN-I know this our last time being here in *sniffs* LA

Roc-awww are you crying

YN-maybe I just can't belive we won't be back till October

Roc-yea but hey we going *singing*all around the world world

YN-*playfully hits his arm*shut up

Roc-okay but am serious now,what did you write on twitter last. Night

YN-um um okay fine look *shows him and he reads it*

Roc-*laughing*omg your crazy

YN-damn right am crazy don't talk about my loves ones like that

Then the food came and they laughed talked and then left the tip and left.Then roc dropped YN off home.

YN pov

I had such a great day today with roc it's like we're a couple but now it's 4:30 so I gotta say my goodbyes now.

Kayla-hey bitch

YN-hey tramp where's mommy?

Kayla-upstairs and make sure you got everything and bring your snacks cause imbre(y'all manger)said we not stopping.And the driver be here in 10 minutes so hurry.

I ran upstairs to my room and made sure everything was in there then I picked up pepper and kissed him everywhere on his face and he licked me then I went to my mom room

Mom-hey sweetie

YN-hey mommy how you doing

Mom-good and I want y'all to do good and be good on this trip cause remember last time

YN-well it's not my fault

Mom-you pulled willow wig off

Then we bust out laughing

YN-okay but your not coming tonight?

Mom-no baby gotta work but I need you to do me a favor

YN-okay what

Mom-don't fall again *laughing*

YN- -_- *then I bust out laughing*okay mommy

Horn blowing

Kayla-come on ynn love you mom

Mom-bye baby!and bye Ariana

YN-*smiles*bye mom

Then I went to the car and I greeted the girls.

YN-hey y'all

Kiloni-hey bae

Abby-hey bew

YN-okay so y'all ready for tonight?

All the girls except YN-hell yeah

YN-y'all cray

Why can't I love you YN (roc royal love story){Editing}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora