Chapter 10

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Another day of school which I hate , I can't stop thinking about what happened between me and khali a few weeks ago. She told me to meet her at her locker this morning because we didn't come to school together. I got close to her locker and some girl was talking to her, she looked annoyed she kept her eyes on her phone not paying the girl any attention. "Yo what's good?" I said stopping infront of them.

"Can't you see were in the middle of a convocation" the girl said with an attitude. "Oh my bad, what were you talking about" I asked , I didn't care but I wanted to see how brave this girl was. "Oh I was telling her that she was a cute ass stud and she needs a girl like me." I laughed and khali looked at me. Before she could say anything I spoke up. "She is kind of cute isn't she? Too bad she has a girlfriend" I said fake disappointed. "She's single , she don't have a girl" the girl said.

"She does have a girl they have been together for what 3 months now?" Khali nodded in response. "Who's this girl?i wanna meet her and beat her ass" I laughed and grabbed khali's hand, she looked at us in shock. "Your gonna beat my ass?" She rolled her eyes and walked away. "What was that" I asked laughing.

"I don't know, all I know is that I want my kiss now." I pecked her lips and pulled away , she likes to get carried away in public. "I missed you all day yesterday" she mumbled as we walked through the hall hand in hand. Nobody has a problem with our relationship , everybody minds their own business there are loads of femxfem and studxstud relationships.

"I missed you to but I had to work" I said. She shook her head "your always working now , we never spend time together" I sighed and let go of her hand "don't start khalia" I told her I worked for a reason. I have rent to pay and bills. "Why don't you just stay with me and Tay there's loads of space for you and your sister who I still haven't met yet" we've had this convocation many times and i have given her the same answer everytime.

"Baby look , I don't feel comfortable living with you yet that's a big step" I rubbed my forehead knowing she's gonna want to argue with me. "A big step?" She knitted her eyes in confusion. "Yes we have been together for only three months we still have a lot to learn about each other living together will just complicate things" I said.

"No it's okay I get it, I'll see you in class I have to use the bathroom" she walked away with her head down and I sighed. Maybe I did come off as rude but I didn't want to mess up what we had because I really do like her a lot. I love that girl.

"Tay , khalia has been acting strange what's up with my girl?" I asked as tau walked by. "She's always like this around this time. , her parents died round this time so it's always hard For her just give her some time" she smiled before walking away.

I wanted my baby to be happy and not sad , I walked to the bathroom she said She was going to and walked in seeing there was nobody in there , I was ready to leave until I heard sniffles. "Khalia?" I called out. I didn't get any replies so I looked over the door and saw her sitting in the corner of the cubical with her head in her lap and her knees in her chest "baby don't cry" I said.

"Leave me alone kashma, I'm not in the mood" she mumbled "I know why your upset" I said she looked at me with a disgusted look on her face "so what? You think I want your pity if that's why you came in here you can leave" she said coldly. "I didn't come here to give you pity I came in here because I care about you and I don't like seeing you unhappy" I said.

"No you don't care if you did you would know that yesterday was the day I needed you the most and I called your phone 4 times and you didn't pick up! , I left voicemail after voicemail and I didn't get nothing back from you , what do you really care about? Me or my money." She chucked her tissue in the bin and stood up.

"You really think that about me? I don't want your money, I couldn't care less about that shit and you know that don't stand here and act like I don't care because i do, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you yesterday but I had to work." I said grabbing her hand and wiping here tears with my other hand.

"I miss them so much" she cried to me , I just hugged her tight and let her have her moment. "Do you wanna go home" she nodded her head and we made our way out the bathe too and to my car , she didn't drive today tay did. I let hey get in and then got in the drivers seat.

Finally getting to get house she placed her key in the locks before making her way to her room , I took off my shoes and let her lay her head on my stomach as I ran my fingers through her head. "I love you so much" she mumbled. "I love you too and I'm gonna be here for you no matter what" I said to her , that was the last thing I remember saying to her before she fell asleep.

I looked at her sleeping peacefully before I covered us over with her blanket.

My baby.

I'm sorry this is late , it was my birthday on Monday so I've been busy with that.


stud in love.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz