1 : The Mission

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When you think of the most sinful place on Earth, where do you think of? I suppose it depends on what part of the world we are talking about. In America, maybe you think of Las Vegas? The city of many sinful acts, including gambling and prostitution. Or maybe New York City? The city of greed and violence. Florida? The town of lustful opportunities and pure stupidity.

If you answered any of those, you would be very close! The answer is not a state or even one city. It is, in fact, a college campus - surprised? You shouldn't be. College campuses hold the promise of helping young adults find out who they are. Of course, by supplying them with large gatherings of equally stupid peers, alcohol, every drug on the market, and a variety of opportunities to be the worse human possible, essentially, it all adds up to an epidemic of evil and sinfulness behavior.

This is where my father wants me to go. God has spoken and commanded me to save the humans. As my father commands, I will always listen and live by his word. He has seen the great evilness of the young people growing. He is hoping I can start with them. Lead these young people on the path of righteousness. To learn to resist temptation and to use their free will for good once again.

The devil and his minions have been on a rampage tempting the humans with various sinful activities, to the point of significantly interfering with free will. So my father is sending myself and my fellow angles to merely help even the score. Offer more holy opportunities. Help guide the humans to better choices. Most importantly, getting the demons to back down.

But that is much easier said than done, as my father brought to my attention during our meeting. Lucifer's son Daemon is proving his worth to his father. Showing he can take over running hell from his father. In addition to gaining powers, he is looking for a soulmate. A queen to rule the underworld with.

"He may pursue you for such a role." The warning father gave me echoing in my ear.

Yes, I would be an attractive choice for him. But he is not for me. I am content with my life with my father and the angels. I am not one of those silly human girls being a sucker for a bad boy type. I am not willing to lose God's grace, my wings, my perfect life for him. The only way we would ever be together would be if Luke came before father a repented his sins. Then he could join me in the promised land.

This shouldn't even be a real thought, though. I have never even met the demon. But I can't stop the lingering feelings of curiosity growing inside me. I have heard so much about him. I cannot help but want to know more. He is the only person that could actually understand what life is like being a descendant from someone so loved and feared.

I shouldn't think this way. He is not my friend. He is pure evil. He is destroying souls, tempting the innocents - pure evil behaviors. He is truly the devil.

Besides, I will most likely find a human soulmate. My father found Mary. Jesus met Mary Magdalene during his time on Earth. Even Lucifer himself found love in a human woman. Tempting her to the evil pits of hell.

I sit down on the white beach. I stare out into the crystal blue ocean that goes on forever. The wind tickles my face. Everything is perfect here. I have never been down to Earth before. I am excited to see it in person finally. America has always been especially interesting to me. So many different and strange-looking places all in one country. So fascinating.

California has always looked so beautiful. The stunning beaches with the sea salt air. The trolleys going around San Francisco. The human obsession with celebrities in Hollywood.

Chicago, with its love for blue music. Instead of beaches having beaches like California having lakefronts. Tall, beautiful skyscrapers while still having neighborhoods filled with homes.

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