Heart Ache

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Here is the next chapter guys! Since I feel like I'm on a roll today I will POSSIBLY be updating my other story to! I hope you guys like this chapter and remember to COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! ENJOY!!!!!!


Chapter 16

“Bridget go, NOW!” Blake yanked open the passenger side door, and shoved me inside.

“I’m not leaving you guys! I want to stay! You can’t-“

I was cut off by the sound of glass shattering and more bullets being fired.

“Don’t argue! August take her back to the apartment right now!” He ordered.

“I’m not leaving. This was started ‘cause of me so I’m staying,” August shot me an apologetic look.

“August!” I cried.

“I’ll take her, just make sure no one follows us,” Eli stepped in.

His little suggestion ended up making me worried as hell and made me be stuck in the car with him. In an awkward silence. For at least twenty minutes.

Eli cleared his throat, “Bridget…can I talk to you?”


“Uh, sure…” I shifted in my seat a little.

Even though I was reluctantly put in this car, I still made Blake promise me if anything, and I mean anything, happened to anyone, he would text or call me right away.

I really regretted giving in now, I had no idea a car ride could be this awkward.

“First, do you promise not to judge and just hear me out?” He shot me a pleading look before turning his attention back to the road.


“And you promise no matter what, we’ll try not to make things awkward for each other?”

A little late for that.


He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the sound of squealing tires. Eli slammed on the brakes and twisted the steering wheel, trying to get us out of harm’s way.

When the episode was finally over we both sat there panting. I glanced out my window then back at Eli.

“What the fuck was that?” I managed to say after a couple of minutes.

“Some dude tried to fucking hit us!”

“But how-ELI!” I screamed.

The driver’s side window was smashed and before Eli could react, the guy outside swiftly punched him in the side of the head. Hard. Eli collapsed to the side, unconscious.

“ELI!” I cried.

My door was yanked open and I was grabbed roughly by the arm. In my state of shock of what had just happened, I didn’t even fight back. I was also still in pain from when I had been shot and it felt like my heart broke to know that Eli was hurt.

“Come on princess, we need to get moving or the boss won’t be happy,” The man holding me yanked my arm, making me speed up.

Did he say the boss?

Maybe if I played a long I could finally meet this ‘boss’ person, and do something. Kill him even.

I had to. It was the only way I could get my life and August’s life back. I had to.

Heart Stopper (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now