Please Believe Me

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I'm sorry ahead of time for any mistakes, I didn't edit this. My mom dragged me to all these freaking stores with her today and I practically died D: also, sorry for the slow update, I'm still having writer's block for this story and it's killing me D; Also I've just had a lot of homework, my freaking math teacher gave me homework ON THE WEEKEND! who does he think he is! :p anyway, please remember to COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! Enjoy! :) also the song on the side is just a song I've been obsessing over for the past few days haha :))


Chapter 23

 I was the first to pull away. I leaned back in the hospital and waited for Blake to say something. Anything. I instantly regretted pulling away like that.

 Once he opened his eyes, I could see everything. He was hurt, that was obvious, but there was something else there, that I couldn’t quite make out.

“I’m sorry,” He finally said.

“D-don’t be. I didn’t mean to…pull away like t-that, it’s just with everything-“He pressed his finger to my lips, cutting me off.

“I shouldn’t have done that, just…let’s forget about it okay?” I could tell it pained him to say those words.

Sighing, I agreed. It was for the best. We didn’t need to make this awkward, it was bad enough that I was going to have to be in the same room with August, and he was helping. That was definitely going to be hard, but I knew I had to do it…take one for the team right?

“I’m going to go see if Brian got a hold of August,” I cringed when he said his name, “Are you going to be okay by yourself?”

I raised an eyebrow at him, “I’m in a hospital, nothing is gonna happen. Just go do whatever you need to do.”

Even after I tried to reassure him, he was still reluctant to leave, but after minutes of arguing, he finally left, leaving me in silence.

I let out a big sigh and slid down in the bed. Questions began to form in my head, this time though I couldn’t push them away. Thoughts and questions filled my head and clouded all other thoughts. Why had he done it first of all? Was he really that sick to string me along for four years? Was I that gullible?

Just thinking about him, knowing what he did just made my eyes start to fill with tears. I couldn’t help but think this one thought that hurt my heart to know.

He doesn’t love me.

(August’s POV)

I sat on the curb that was a little ways down the street from the hospital. I banged my head against my knees. Words couldn’t describe how badly I fucked up this time. I screwed up times a million. I groaned and rested my head against my knees.

God dammit.

Everything just didn’t make sense. First of all, why did Bridget believe fucking Al! He’s fucking known for lying, yet she believes him? After all that bastard put us through and she believes him? All the shit he put us through, after trying to kill her, she believes him? It didn’t make sense!

The thing is what if she wanted to believe him? What if she just wanted to…get rid of me? What if she just stopped loving me and this was the only way to tell me?

Ugh! I wanted to just walk into her hospital room and just talk to her. I wanted to find some way to show her the truth, but knowing Al was dead (which he clearly deserved) I couldn’t really get him to tell her it was all a lie.

After everything we’ve been through, apparently she didn’t realize how much I loved her. I couldn’t stop myself from wishing that I could just go back in time and stop myself from joining this god damn gang.

“What the fuck man! We’ve been wondering where the hell you’ve been, you could have at least answered you damn phone!”

I looked up to see Brian walking towards me with Dylan following close behind.

“Go away,” I groaned.

“Get up, we need you and you owe us,” Dylan said while grabbing my arms and yanking me up.

“Why the hell do I owe you?” I scowled.

“First off, we haven’t beaten you up for hurting Bridget,” I sighed internally at that, “Second, this is for helping saving your ass, and third, ‘cause Blake said so and you know how he gets,” Brian explained while ticking it off on his fingers.


“Just shut up and hurry up,” Dylan cut me off.

I groaned again but reluctantly followed. Sadly, I realized I did owe them…ugh.

“Doesn’t Blake hate me? Why does he want me to help with whatever it is we’re doing?” I was actually scared to know what was going on, for all I know this was just a plan to get me to someplace so they could beat me up…

Of course I wouldn’t let that happen, I could totally take on their asses…but I’m getting off topic now…

“Blake will tell you since Dylan and I quite frankly don’t really know all the details,” Brian answered.

“What about…uh Bridget?”

“Just…don’t talk to her okay? Also just don’t argue with Blake either. He’s beyond pissed at you, but we all know we need all the help we can get,” Dylan explained.

Not talk to her? How the hell could I do that? Again, my heart hurt, I know it was probably just my imagination, but I couldn’t stop the pain.

“Why did you do it?” Brian asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Do what?” I looked over at him as we began to walk up the front steps of the hospital.

“You know what dude! Why did you…you know do that to Bridget?”

“I already know you aren’t going to believe what I say, so I’m not gonna bother.”

“Dude, seriously, why? I don’t even know your side, just what Blake said.”

We walked into the elevator and I waited for the doors to close before starting to tell my story.

“First of all, I didn’t do anything. I didn’t  go out with her just to get her dad’s money. I mean, alright I did at first, but after our first date, I couldn’t do that to a girl like her. After that I just fell in love with her, and that’s when all this shit happened. Al lied to her, he twisted the whole story up, plus I don’t even know why the hell she believed him!” I let out a big breath when I was done.

I glanced between Brian and Dylan to see their expression, but I couldn’t tell when they were thinking. Brian looked kind of…confused and Dylan’s face remained blank through the whole story.

Did they believe me?

The elevator dinged so I walked ahead of them. I seriously didn’t want to hear whatever they had to say. They could call me a liar all they want, but I honestly didn’t care what they thought anymore. All that mattered was Bridget. I needed for her to realize what Al said was a lie. It still confused me on why she believed him, but I had to get past that. Bridget was everything to me, I couldn’t let her get away.

After being able to finally see her after four years, it just made the pain worse knowing I was letting her get away from me again. She was everything to me and I couldn’t let her leave. I loved her too much.

I know people say if you love someone, let them go, and if they truly love you, they would come back. Honestly, that’s just a load of bull crap.

I loved Bridget too much to let her go; it just hurt for me to imagine her leaving forever.

Why couldn’t she realize the lie? Why couldn’t she just believe me?


I think for the next chapter I might be writing in August's POV since I really haven't done that, plus in all honesty, I'm getting sick of Bridget's POV hehe :3 anyway I hope you guys don't hate me for the slow updates, but remember to Comment, Vote, and Fan. Love you guys and keep reading!!!

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