Help. Can you hear me?

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This is actually a song I've been working on. It's got a cool tune as well and I'm very proud of it.

Can you hear me?
I've been screaming for a thousand years without stopping to even take a pause to breathe.
Unable to be heard by those who I need to rescue me from my dark, haunting prison made by the ghouls that linger in the mind.
Can you hear me?
I need someone to pull me out
And don't you dare call me weak
Because I've been strong for all this time when you haven't been around.
Can you hear me?
I'm gasping for breath and living is becoming a less likely option.
Can you hear me?
I'm begging and screaming someone will hear the sound of my torture,
Locked here in this room,
Painted a deep Crimson, and laced blood and bandages of last victims of this hell infested affliction.
Can you hear me?
I was always there to catch you if you fell, but where were you when I needed you, friend?
You just needed the security,
You'd choose your comfort over my safety any day,
Which is why I'm near death now.
Can you hear me?
You weren't here to save me
You never were.
I lay here crying.
I pull out this dagger,
And stab away my tears into my heart.
Can you hear me?
I was hell bent on freedom
But I no longer need saving
Because I've managed free myself,
From my live burial,
By killing who I once was,
And leaving behind nothing but a clothed body, cold to the touch.
I all I needed was you to save me.
But you just laid in your bed,
And let me die.
And fake your tears later.

PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang