Chapter 1

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Where am I?
This makes no sense.
Huh?.. some light, and I am moving towards the light against my will.
Oh? I am falling.
Thud, ooooowwww
That hurt like hell.
Yummy, hang on... I, can't see a thing.
Oh right, i need to open my eyes.
Woah... that, is bright bbuutt I can see a pile of yummy food.

Hey, stop it, i am TRYING to get to the veggies.
Stop bloody dragging me you idi-
Ooh. A smaller me? Two? Nope Three! Wow that is a lot of me's.
Oh...My...God there is a BIG me!
Smells like... milk?
If I suck on this is lets me taste milk, awesome.
I can see the pile of veggies.
No one will notice if I sneak away for a minute of so, will they?

This is delicious.
Aww, no, stop it, I don't want to go back.
Grr, curse you two legged tall beast.
Tallbeasts must want us to stay together, well it must be for safety.
Ooh, another small me just came out of the big me?
This is a weird world but it has the TASTIEST food for me.
But wait.
Where am I?
What am I?
But more importantly,
Who am I?..
Ooh more milk, umm... I'll answer those questions later but for now... MILK.
I'll just rest my ey- *Snore-snore-snore*

*big yawn*
Did...I just die and come back to life?
Hey small me's?
Can you here me?
No...OK I must be THINKING and not talking.
I'll learn to communicate later.
Oh well I'll just have to eat this apple that no one seems to want...
Wait, now it is darker?
This is a very strange universe.
W-what was t-that?
It's a big, orange dog.
But dogs protect us not attack us.
I look around and run for a pile of small brown pointy  lines.
As I grab one in my mouth the dog thing pounces I leap out the way and start poking and piercing the dogs side because it fell on the line things.
Why is it trying to eat me instead of some yummy apples and turnips?
My mouth waters at the mention, thet is so weird.
But then so is this world-place.
The dog thing yelps loudly and scrambles out of our cage-room.

When it gets lighter I think about stuff and come up with a name of this place...
Ah ha!
Yeah, that is what I will call it.

I've been searching for more veggies for ages and can't find any.
So I am going to go back to sleep for now until something happens or until food time...

This is basicly the veiw of a pig.
Plz enjoy
comment for more ideas
And stay cool.

If you want to name him...

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