Getting Ready For The New World.

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All I could think was 'Wow'. Normally, when I traveled and went back to Minnesota, I thought the buildings were much from afar. Now I knew to think better. With all the lights I could see from very far above, I wonder how large New York could possibly be.

When we landed, it was 9:30PM already. Let me tell you something I noticed. New York is very busy. Right from the airport (even though we used a private jet and private terminal), to the street (the traffic was, wow) which at least helped us see the beautiful city in the night and all the way home. Only when we finally reached the estate that finally driving smoothly. I could've swore that I'd of choke if we were on that stuffy road for one more minute.

My house was right across Jemi's to the left so we were dropped off first. Well, today was a day to sure remember. I wonder how the rest of the weekend will go.

Since our awesome parents- see the total sarcasm there? -were making us go to school on Monday, we were going shoppings for a few essentials that we left back.

I was walking before I bumped into a shelf, while looking at the shelves? "Uggghhh!" That doesn't make sense. I was looking at the shelves beside me. Not in front. And the wall wasn't a long way down. So what was that? I rubbed my face. I looked up and came face to face- or should I say face to chest? -with someone. I looked up and saw... The most beautiful greenish-blue eyes I've ever seen. The most perfect hair ever. Such an angelic face...

"Excuse me?" Huh? He's talking. OMG! I better respond before he thinks I'm a weirdo. "I said can you move. I'm trying to get something from the shelf."

He reached out and came closer to me. Closer...closer...closer... Ohmygosh! I widened my eyes as I noticed the position we were in. I was against the shelf and his face was inches from mine with his hands blocking one way out. He then looked at me, and then a lot a few seconds after, he noticed it too. What the hell am I going to do?! We stared at each other for quite a while, no one moving.

Slowly, very, very, very slowly we started leaning into each other. I closed my eyes. Even more slowly, till our lips were almost brushing against each other.

"You know, your head is blocking what I want." As he said this, it didn't really click in my head because his lips kept brushing on mine. We stayed like that ten ore seconds until...

"Oh! Sorry. Totally my fault!" I moved the other way, where his hands wasn't at.

"Yeah. It was. First you accidentally crash into me, then put yourself in front of the marshmallows, and everyone knows that is what I'd never not buy. So we could what? Kiss? Are you kidding me? Pathetic much? I know everyone wants me to notice them and some are desperate to the point of unbelievable but wow. That was pathetic."

What? "What? What the hell are you saying. Huh?" I paused. "So you think that was all on purpose?" I looked at him skeptically. "You actually think I plotted that just so you can notice me?" I tilted my head . "Are you for real?" I them started laughing. I laughed so much. "Oh-my-God! Who-does-does that?" I said in between laughs.

"You apparently."

I kept on laughing, waiting for him to say he was kidding. It didn't come.

"On my God! You are for real." Now I was sober. I stared at him some more.

"Are you done checking me out?"

"Checking you...what? What the hell are you saying? You actually have the nerves to think that I did all that on purpose? Like seriously?" In fact, he just annoyed me now. "Upon all, you actually say that I'm checking you out? What have the nerves to... In fact, I don't even know what to say? Do I look desperate to you? In fact, do I look like I'm remotely attracted to you?"

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