Part 2 - Memories To Recall

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-*17 Years Later*-

Levi's P. O. V. 

Levi let out a sigh as he sits down on the right side of a booth in an old diner. A white, coffee mug sits with him on a once, beautifully, polished table made of birch planks. Next to him was a window far above his head that seemed to illuminate the room, making it seem brighter than it already is, and happier than he wished it to be.

  He doesn't think of her as he sits with his tea now in hand. He takes a final sip and sets the cup back down before sticking his hand in his pocket and pulling enough change out to pay for it. He sets the change on the table.  

  Levi slides out of the booth and stands up, ready to leave. He has a special place to be. He always had a special place to be on October seventh. He had visited the space once a year for the past seventeen years, and he would never stop so long as he lived.  

  "Hey, um, Levi." Said a waitress from behind the counter. 

  Levi turned to face the auburn-haired girl, he gave her his usual stoic expression. "Yes, Rika?"

  Rika blushed and looked away. "Wh-Why do you always leave early and leave such a huge tip on October seventh?"

  "Because, that's what she would have wanted." He feels a pang in his heart as he says this, but her doesn't show it. "Now, shut up and let me leave, Brat."

  Rika nods and turns to try to find something to occupy her.

  Levi walks out of the dinner wanting to cry, yet he shows no signs of it. He walks down the street, making his way for the field of a single tree and a single stone. The stone has special writing carved into it, and everything is surrounded by flowers except for a large patch of dirt by the stone and tree.  

  Levi makes his way through the town when a young girl bumps into him. Levi falls backwards, but he put his hand back to break his fall. The girl does as well.  

  "Tch! Brat, watch where you're go-" Levi cuts himself off as he looks at the girl. 

  She resembles (F/N) in almost every way. The young girl has (S/C) skin, (J/M/E), (E/C) eyes, (H/L), (H/C) hair and (B/C) bangs. For a second, Levi falters, actually believing that it might be her before vivid images flash through his head. This reminds him about where he is heading.

  The girl looks at Levi on the ground and she bolts to her feet. Levi looks up at the girl as she walks to where he lay. She reaches out her hand as a big smile plays on her lips.  

  "Sorry about that!" She says as Levi takes her hand. "I wasn't paying attention."

  Levi stands up and brushes himself off. He looks at the girl and asks, ever so quietly. "(F-F/N)?"

  She tilts her head to the side. "Excuse me? I didn't quite catch that."

  "N-Nothing." He forced his words out, trying not to choke on them. "M-May I, um, may I ask for your name?"

  Levi knows he is getting his hopes up to high, but he doesn't care. The only thing he can think of at the moment is the beautiful smile that was constantly playing on (F/N)'s lips. He cringed on the inside.  

  "My name is Zoé." She straightens herself and smiles again. "I don't really need to ask who you are. Th-That reminds me!"

  Zoé searches for something in her pocket. She pulls out a slip of paper and begins to hand it to Levi, but she hesitates. "Vous parlez français, oui?"

  Levi's face seems to gain an expression of curiosity for a split second, but he pushes it away. "Oui."

  "(F / N) souhaite dire bonjour." Zoé says and hands Levi the slip of paper. "Read this later."

  Levi's eyes widen and begin to water. He wipes his eyes. Levi takes the paper, looking down he sees that it is folded in half, and the front says 'Cadet Levi Rivalle'. 

  "Where did you get this, Zoé?" He brings himself to ask. 

  She responds with a shrug. "I just found it on my desk this morning, and I saw your name on it. Though, you aren't a cadet anymore. You're Lance Corporal."

  Levi nods.

  "Hey, do you mind if I ask when trials start for training to be in the Scout Regiment, Military Police, and what not?" She continues.

  "They are in April." He says.

  Zoé nods and takes a step back, turning to leave. "Well, I gotta go. I'll see you later."

  "Goodbye." He says with a nod as he turns around and begins to walk away.

  He takes a couple of steps before he feels something small and delicate, smack down and grab his wrist before spinning around. Levi's eyes widen in an expression of shock. Levi looks down and meet her shining (J/M/E) eyes.

  Zoé gives Levi a bold smirk as she sternly says, "There is no such thing as 'goodbye'."  

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