The truth behind Brandy and Mr.Whiskers

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what do you really know about this Disney Show ?

i won't bore you with numbers and facts ! i'll simply tell you where it came from .

A really long time ago . a poor family lost their only daughter in a deserted forest !

There were no predators in this forest. simply rodents , insects and plants .

since there were a lot of plants she had no trouble finding food .

But she was all alone ! all the time !

she was left to face the brutal darkness of the night by herself !

she was just a little girl !

a little girl named Brandy !

a little girl who saw the rich girls walk around with the prettiest clothes , mocking her for he poverty .

a girl who always wished for wealth .

a little girl who needed a friend to end her loneliness in this empty forest .

her prize possession was a notebook . She carried it around everywhere with a few crayons .

she took it with her to the forest .

As she grew , she started hallucinating .

she went crazy out of loneliness !

she first imagined herself as a dog , in order to fit in in her environment .

Then she imagined a friend to keep her company and to entertain her .

then she made up a whole society of all kinds of talking animals .

a society where she was the girl with the prettiest clothes .

a society where she was popular and rich.

she also imagined a tree-house that resembles her old house .

Brandy drew her hallucinations and her imaginary adventures in her notebook .

She died at the age of 18 .

how she died ? she fell into a river and she couldn't swim .

her imaginary friends couldn't help her .

Years later a little boy belonging to a rich family got lost in that same forest .

when he was found , a notebook was in his hands .

the child was looking with fascination at the images .

his father , who's a writer for Disney channel saw his child's interest in the drawings .

he decided to make them into a program for kids .

every episode is inspired by the pictures drawn by the Real Brandy .

they knew her name was Brandy because it was written in the notebook .

they only changed her last name .

by Mada El-Horr

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