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Graces pov:
So far living with Hannah has been pretty splendid. Do people still say that? I don't know...
Chester gave me his phone number. I'm not that into him if I'm being honest. But I don't want Hannah finding out that I like her. I'm scared it would ruin our friendship.

I look at the time.
"7:30pm" oh shit I say. Getting dressed as fast as I can. Time flies so fast when I'm with Hannah.
I run out the door and hear Hannah yell
I laugh and keep heading down the hallway. I reach the room and knock. Should I have knocked? Bad move?
Apparently not because a boy with mint green hair and glasses opened the door and he looked a bit tipsy.
"Hey guuuuurl. I'm Tyleeeeeeer"
"Oh hey I'm Grace" I say kind of nervous.
"Well come in. Drinks are over there, and snacks are over there" he say pointing in different directions of the room.
I head over to grab a drink.
"Well I didn't expect to see you here" I hear a manly voice say from behind me.  I turn around to see my high school ex, Nash Grier, standing there. He was completely wasted. God I hated him. He only used me for sex and is completely homophobic.
"What do you want Nash?" I say rolling my eyes.
"I want youuuu"
"Hey Nash you found one yet?" I hear another voice from behind him.
"Oh yeah I did Sam" he says biting his lip and moving towards me.
"Nash no. You're drunk. And I said this before. We are done"
"Don't tell us what to do" him and his friend says now running their hands all over my body.
"Stop. Stop. Nash stop" I start yelling.
"HEY DUDE GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER BEFORE I BREAK THEM" I hear a familiar voice yell out and I turn around to see Hannah.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She yells whilst moving them away from me.
"This is none of your business dyke" Sam says whilst pushing her to the ground. Hannah gets up. At this time the room is silent. As soon as Hannah gets up, Nash and Sam run towards her but she jumps out of the way. Nash goes to punch Hannah and he succeeds. Hannah surprisingly hits him back right in the eye.

Two tall men who were at the party come and drag Sam and Nash out of the party. They come back in and ask if we were okay.
"Yeah we're okay" Hannah and I both say.
"Well I'm Dan" one of the says in his British accent
"I'm...wait Grace?"
"Oh hey Chester. Uh thanks for your help but Hannah and I should get going."
"You're not gonna stick around?" At this point everyone had gone back to partying.
"Nah we should go" Hannah says ushering me through the crowd and out the door.

Long legs & pretty brown eyesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora