The Beginning of the End is the Beginning

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Aboard the S.S. Nevis September 7, 1919, en-route to Miami, Florida

"If you're going to pass as one of us, you'll have to know a little bit about the parts of the ship," Benji said. "At least enough to go where you're told."

"Do you really think this will work?" Thiago asked as he fidgeted with the buttons on his borrowed uniform shirt. "Will anyone believe that a Brazilian is working on an American ship?"

"Sure,"Benji said, sitting down beside Thiago on the cot. "We pick up crew members from all over. And your English is strong, you'll do fine as long as you know the ship and avoid the higher ups. It's certainly better than the alternative, right? If anyone else had caught you sleeping on the deck, they would have locked you up. Oh,and if anyone asks, you lost your name tag. Heh. I know I did."He smiled sheepishly.

Lightening lit the room with a blinding, white flash and thunder cracked the sky.

Benji swore to himself, "we're going right into the storm. They must think we're invincible or something. Maybe you'd better stay in here until this is over. More likely than not, they'll have us running all over the place making sure everything is secure."

Without a knock or a warning, a crewman burst into the room, his dark hair plastered to his head and dripping water down his face. "Benji, we gotta go,"he said. "This storm is looking brutal. Who's this?"

"Thomas, this is Thiago Garcia," Benji said. "He's new to the crew. Green as grass, too." Before Thomas could say anything more, Benji jumped up, blocking his view of Thiago, and headed for the door." Lets go get this ship locked down," he said. He pushed Thomas out of the room and closed the door behind him, leaving Thiago alone on Benji's cot.

The ship listed hard to the starboard side as it started it's climb over another tall wave. The motion made Thiago's stomach turn and his head throb. Being caught as a stowaway was something he had considered before he snuck onto the ship in Rio de Janeiro. But sea-sickness was not, and this storm certainly didn't help. He tried laying down on the cot, but it only made things worse. The ship reached the crest of the wave and shifted its weight to the other side in a jarring motion that sent a pair of reading spectacles and a book off the adjacent cot and onto the floor. With a groan, Thiago sat up again and headed for the door.Storm or not, he needed to be outside if he was going to make it through the night without losing the meal Benji had just given him.

On the main deck of the ship, Lenore Irving sat in the 2nd class dining hall. It was the formal dinner night, and even though she had to wear the same red dress as she had at last week's formal dinner, she was still happy to be a part of something so fancy. She was alone and on her way to America to visit her family, but she didn't feel alone at all. She sat at a table full of businessmen and small families who talked and laugh with whomever was near them. The Murphy family to her left had been especially charming. Their two young kids always asked Lenore to play a game with them, while Mr. and Mrs. Murphy prepped Lenore for her stay in America with talk about the politics and social issues of the day.

"Here's a new game," Miriam said, holding her hands across the table to reach Lenore. "Hold out your hands like this."

"Not now, Miriam," her father said, "It's supposed to be a formal dinner. Act formal. Besides, I think it's about time we find some young men for Lenore to play with--someone much closer to her own age."

"Henry!"Mrs. Murphy said. "That's no way to talk!"

Lenore blushed, but said nothing. The boat reached another wave crest and started to list the other direction. Silver wear slid across the table, and Lenore grabbed her plate to keep it from sliding into Miriam's. "Forgive me, can you pass back my silver wear?" she said to Miriam.

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