An Introduction

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The smooth sound of needle against vinyl lulls me into a music induced trance. The velvety string of notes flow from the speakers to my ears before seeping into the rest of my body. I am being saturated in a warm glow that envelops my whole being. It only took one hit, and I was hooked for life.

I am under the influence, but I don't want saving. Let this drug pull me under until my blood stops pumping and my air stops flowing. I've been injected with music by the needle of a record player; what a wonderful way to live and die.

There's a collection of records living in the very center of my heart; the collection I now share with you. Treat each one with care, for they are delicate pieces of my soul. Study them deliberately, and you will learn what is hidden within the most shadowy corners of myself.

I bare my soul to you in trust. The rest is up to you.

//This is the introduction to my new thoughts project to proceed Speculations of an Artistic Mind: Jane's Thoughts. I am taking a different approach this time around, so I hope you all enjoy learning about me in the most intimate way possible: through music.//

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