Chapter One - Meeting Adam

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Jared Hansen

"Dada!" Mason squealed while running into my father's dining room.

My dad's house is probably the biggest in this small neighborhood. He works as a lawyer so he has lots of money but the only thing he has is his big house to show for all the money. He may have the money as I said, but he doesn't like to flaunt it. The only reason he has this big of a house is that I came. If I didn't, he would still be living in an apartment with Noah, my dad's boyfriend.

Noah moved in a year before I got here. They met five years ago at my dad's office. They have been together ever since. They moved in with each other in my dad's apartment; which was on the other side of the town we live in. It was a nice apartment, but it was just to small for my dad, Noah, Mason and me. So we all thought it would be a better idea to just move into a bigger house to benefit us all. 

"What?" I asked while smiling down at him. He was my pride and joy. Everybody who knew me knew that if anything were to happen to him. I would just die. I love him with all my heart, and to be honest, I would have to say that I wouldn't want my life any other way; even though I had him in high school.

People who really knew me though knew that I was kind of depressed also. I just don't feel worth it. I feel like if I were to die, nobody would care. I'm just a big nobody. I feel the only person who actually cares about me is Mason. I also know that when Mason gets older, he may not care about me. My dad and Noah try to be there for me, but I just feel they don't care.

Mason pulled on my pant legs to get me to pick him up. My dad and Noah walked in after I had picked Mason up and put him on my lap. "I got twuck!" Mason yelled. I smiled at him, he is just the cutest little kid I know. He kind of has a lisp and he pronounces his 'r's' funny.

I looked at my dad to see him standing in the doorway looking at Mason with a big smile on his face with Noah standing next to him, holding his hand.

My dad is forty-one years old, and is still pretty good looking. He has short brown hair with bright green eyes. He is six-five in height. He has some wrinkles around the eyes but that was from the sun. He has a strong jaw with a little peach fuzz. His name is Martin Hansen.

Even though he left me with my mom when I was younger, he did it for the best of us all. He had to get his life on track even if it took him till I was seventeen years old and got kicked out of my mom's house because of her homophobic ways, before he got his life back on track the way he wants it. He is still the best dad anybody could ask for.

His boyfriend's name is Noah Gregory. He stands at least five-seven. He's got grey eyes and short blond hair that goes with his eyes. Noah has naturally tan skin. Needless to say, he is a good looking guy, even though there's a chance he could be my step-dad, maybe. Most likely since they have been together for a good five years and haven't really been in any serious fights. Yes, they have fought but, not big enough to say they shouldn't be together. I think they belong together to be honest. He tries his best to be like a father to me. And honestly it works. I like him, he would make a really cool parent.

"You bought him a truck?" I asked them as they came and sat on the other side of the table.

The dining room is a creme color just like the rest of the main rooms in the house. There are brown little stands in the corners of the rooms that have different odds and ends on them. There is a door that leads to the hallway, a door that leads to the kitchen, and then a door that leads to the living room. The other doors in the house are dads' and Noahs', Masons' and mine. And then, of course, the two full baths. 

"Yes, we did. Mase, go get the truck from where you threw it." My dad said. Mason nodded eagerly and jumped off my lap to go get it. When did he throw it? Goodness that boy is going to cause some damage one of these days. "Do you have work today?" I looked up as my dad looked down at his and Noah's hands that are resting on the table.

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