Chapter 1

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As Irene went to the store that day she thought it was just a random trip to the store. As she walked down the Crayon aisle. On the other side of the aisle walked Thomas, he was going for the Crayola, and a coloring book. Irene went to get a box hat was all the way on the top shelf, and was leaning on the cart to get to it. Thomas made his was down the aisle, and stopped looking up at the large wall of crayons. Irene's cart slipped, and knocked Thomas's basket into the floor.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! Here let me get this for you!" She said. She was gushing with apologies as Thomas snickered. She then realized she was red. Completely red. She covered her face with her hands, and stood there.

"I'm Thomas," He said taking one of her hands in his and shaking it. She chuckled at the look on his face. He was smiling like a maniac, and still shaking her hand. Thomas took her other hand off her face, and shook it too with his other hand. Irene laughed, and smiled at him. Over the next few weeks Thomas, and Irene got closer, and Thomas succeeded in asking her on a date. The date was to the park for a movie. The park was holding a movie in the park, and it was a chilly night, so as most dates end she forgot to give him back his coat. The next day she gave him his coat when he invited her to come over to his house. Ava opened the door, and saw it was a girl, asking for Thomas she thought it was a raving fan.

"Sorry, he's not in today!" She said closing the door. After the door closed Thomas emerged from the upstairs.

"Where is she, Ava?" He asked looking around.

"I told her that you weren't in today," She said sitting down on the couch.

"WHAT? I invited her over!" Thomas said running out to the front yard, and looking out to see her in her light blue car starting it. He ran over, and tapped on the window, and got her attention. She looked over, and smiled. She rolled down her window.

"I thought you weren't in right now!" She said smiling on the side of her mouth. They went inside, and she met Ava again. Ava thought she was great. Thomas's Parents loved her, and more importantly, Thomas loved her. They had been dating for 5 months when they were going on a picnic. Thomas was going to ask her to marry him, and he even had the ring. They were driving to the park when Irene got a head ache.

"Are you alright deary?" He asked. She nodded, and smiled. They made it to the comfy spot on the top of a small hill where Thomas thought would be a great place to ask her. He was about to ask when she collapsed. Thomas flipped out, and carried her to the car where he failed in starting the car, and decided to find a different way to the hospital, but couldn't. So, he walked.

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