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You smirked evily as you too made your way towards the exit.

“Y/n darling, what are you up to?”
“I'm gonna, how was it he said it again? Ah, I’m gonna have a good time.”

You let out a dark chuckle as you started heading towards Sans home.


You huffed in annoyance as you walked into yet another light post.
Sans eyes are weird!
Wait...Sans doesn't have eyes…

“Fuck you light posts!”

You put a hand to your skull as you casualty kept walking, sending every light post an angry glare.

~ some walking and running into light posts later ~

You stood in front of a rather large wooden door, hand hovering above the doorknob in hesitation.

Is this really a good idea? What if his brother, what's his name again...Pap...Papyrus? Yeah, that's his name. What if Papyrus is in there? What if he becomes suspicious? What if-


The door had slammed open and hit you right in the face. You were sent flying backwards and landed on your back.


You opened your eyes eye sockets to glare at...Papyrus.
You froze but quickly gathered your bearings. He thinks you're Sans and, in some weird sense, you are. What would Sans do...?


“Useless? Are you calling me useless?!”

You jumped up to your feet. Yes, he thinks you are Sans but no one calls you useless! And besides, who says that to their brother?!

Papyrus looked a little shocked that you were talking back, but his expression quickly changed to a frown.

“Pfft, you are in no place to call me useless!”
“Is that the only thing you can say?”

He gritted his teeth and if glares could kill you would be more dead then death himself.

“Heh, what? Cat got your tung?”

And with that he turned around and stomped away in the direction you had come from.

“Shit, that was intense...”

You sighed as you watched him leave. The tingling feeling from back at the lab was back and it was slowly growing into a more intense pain.You took deep breaths as you tried to calm down.

A few minutes later and the pain had become a faint ringing sound instead. You took one more deep breath before you entered the large house.
You were standing in a hallway, further down said hallway was an opening to what looked like a kitchen. To your left was a living room. At the entrance of the living room stood a conveniently shaped lamp, covered in...pasta?

You frowned in confusion but decided not to question it.

You closed the door and entered the living room. There was a brown couch, a TV and a shelf filled with random objects. There was also a staircase…

You got an idea. A mischievous grin stretched across your face as you made your way up the stairs.

“I wonder, what does Sans hide in his bedroom? ~”

You chuckled as you went towards the last door, skipping the first one. The sign above it said ‘THE GREAT PAPYRUS’ and you had no interest in snooping around his belongings...at least not yet.

You stopped in front of an old looking door. Half of it was painted black. It looked as if the person who had been painting had become lazy and stopped, which, to be honest, probably is what happened.

You gripped the handle and-


Your Life?! (UF!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now