Chapter 2 - Getting To Know Her.

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It had been around ten minutes since Miss B had set us off on our task, I had finished around five minutes ago and now I was just innocently staring at the women sat at the desk, after a few seconds she looked up, and we locked eyes again, my body tensed slightly, I was full of panic, she'd caught me staring, she'd think I was crazy. But just smiled softly at me before going back to her work. It was as if I was blessed.
"Right, time up." Miss B stood up and quickly collected everyone's pieces of paper, putting the pile on her desk. "Okay, I've got a hat full of all your names, you must pull a name out, the name you get you must give one fact you know about that person." The hat went around, facts given out. I got the hate, pulled out a name Amy god I felt so lucky. I rose from my seat, gently chewing my lips. "I got Amy, Amy is a kind and gentle soul, who is always there when you need her, she can make anyone smile." I sat down, Amy hugged me, I hugged her back.
Miss B smiled approvingly. Amy got some other random girl, the hat went.
"I got Belle." Oh god no, that voice. My head shot up and I locked eyes with Jessica, God, anyone but Jessica.
"There's so many things I could say, let's start with the fact she's a cheating slut, or a attention seeking whore."
"That was uncalled for." Miss B looked sternly at Jessica. "Since we can't be relaxed without someone ruining it, we'll get straight down to work shall we." The lesson went on like it usually did. And then the bell rang, finally the end of the day.
Everyone rushed from the class, myself included.
"Belle, could I speak to you please."
I sighed softly, turning around.
"Close the door." I closed the door, walking a little closer. "Take a seat." I took a seat by the women, who had perched upon the desk. "You know you don't deserve their crap," she looked at me seriously, her big brown eyes filled with nothing but pure kindness.
"I'm fine, everything's fine." I lied, I couldn't lay all my problems on this women, she was too kind for that.
"Sure?" The women sounded genuinely concerned.
"Sure." I forced a smile to form on my lip.
"Here's my email, it's not yet in the planners, if you have any concerns or need any help, don't hesitate, no matter what time of the day or night it is." She gave me one of her soft smiles as she handed me the piece of paper.
"Thanks Miss B." I smiled back, waving slightly before exiting the room.

My walk home was shorter than usual, I was more out of breath then usual, had I just sprinted home? I questioned it a little, but didn't worry too much of it. I unlocked my door, and found myself rushing to my room. Closing the door quickly behind me.
Belle!! He sent me a text!!
My phone lit up, I smiled softly, at least Amy was happy.
What he say?


Then reply with 'Hi'

Should I reply.

You like him, of course.

You're right.

Of course.

So the English teacher, so your type.


Don't ew me, I saw the way you looked at her.

No you didn't.

Did too, you were all big eyed over her. You so like her.

I've just met her.

And? She's hot, you're hot, boom perfect.

That's not how it works.

Well the two of you shared some pretty cute glances.

Ew. Later loser 😉

Later babe :P

I laughed, I loved texting Amy, she always had this charm, even through texts. She was one in a billion.

Time had passed quickly, I hadn't touched my food, I didn't feel like eating, Jessica's words still got to me. I quickly picked my phone up, opening my emails up, quickly sending one.


Dear Miss B,
I do apologise for emailing you so late, and I understand that you probably won't reply till the morning, but I just wanted to ask that when you draw a seating plan I could be sat next to Amy, and possibly on the other side of the classroom to Jessica.

~ Belle.

Finally, I got a reply, sooner than I thought I was going to.


Hey Belle,
It's fine, I said for you to email me anytime you needed me. And of course, you and Amy seemed to work well together today so I don't see that as a problem. Is there anything else you wanna talk about?

- Miss B.


Dear Miss B,
Thank you, that makes me feel a lot better, and no, I'm fine, well I will be fine, I'm sure. Have a good night, again, sorry for waking you.

~ Belle.


Sleep well, see you tomorrow, and remember if you ever wanna talk about anything, you know how to reach me.

- Miss B.

And with that I fell asleep. Knowing that maybe tomorrow wasn't going to be as bad as I thought.

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