[Hold This] Kuro!Kaneki x Reader

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1st Person POV

After quickly getting ready to go to the bookstore with one of my friends, Kaneki, I was rushing to get all of my stuff together. I was about ten minutes late, and still had to get my coat, shoes, scarf and gloves, not to mention my I still had to find my bag with all my stuff in it. About five minutes of shuffling around in my small apartment I managed to find everything but my gloves, and I decided to leave anyway even if my hands would be cold in the freezing winter air.

By the time I made it to the station where Kaneki and I were to meet, my hands were already freezing cold. Unfortunately my coat didn't have pockets, so my hands were stuck in the air.

"Kaneki-san!" I yell, and Kaneki looks towards my direction and has a slight blush on his face. 

"(Y-Y/N)-san, Hello!" He waved back to me, and I walked over to him. 

"Are you ready to go?" I asked, and Kaneki responded with a 'yes.' We started to walk in the direction of the bookstore, and my hands were nearly frozen, or it at least felt like it. 

"Hold this for a second." I say, and pretend to pull something from my bag.

"Ok." Kaneki responds, and holds his hand out. As I go to place the 'item' I was holding I open my hand and place my hand into Kaneki's hand, and grab it.

"Thanks." I mumble. 

His hand is really warm~


im so sorry for not updating but school is just killing me.

and im addicted to Fallout 4 and i wont stop playing, like i play for about 7-10 hours at a time even on school nights.

but im trying


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