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Chapter 1

September 21

So I've been at this little party for a while and I must say, I'm bored. A few Youtubers are here. I talked to most of them.

I'm waiting for my friend to hurry up so we could go home. I sip on the drink that I have and sigh to myself. I'm really bored.

Some new people walk in. It's two guys, who look very familiar. Oh! It's Ian and Anthony from Smosh. Might as well say hi to them.

I quickly walk over to them before they walk away. "Hi guys," I greet them. "My name is Kalel!"

The tall guy with the Emo hair, Anthony, kinda stares at me and I blush.

"Hey, Kalel! I'm Ian, and this is Anthony,"

"I watched some of your guys videos! Like Food Battle, and some Pokemon videos," I tell them

"We're glad you liked them," Anthony finally says.

I was going to respond to him but my friend, Janie, came to get me.

"Come in Kalel, lets go home," She pulls in my shirt.

"Well it was nice meeting you and hopefully we'll meet again one day," I wave goodbye to them.


"So I'm hosting an aftermath party to the party we were at just an hour ago," Janie tells me.

"Great, I get to be bored all night long," I groan

"I think those guys from Smosh are coming." She says moving all things around.

"Really?!" I ask

"Yea, why?"

"Because they are fun to talk to,"

"I think you just have a crush on Anthony. Because I saw you blushing earlier and Ian is just not your type," She smirks at me.

"Maybe," Is all I say before I retreat into my room.

I spend about 30 minutes in my room before coming back out. I see some people have already came. I go into the kitchen and fix a drink.

"Didn't expect to see you here?" I hear a voice

"Well considering I live here,". I laugh. "Hi Anthony." I greet him again.

"Hey Kalel. Nice to see you again,"

"Yea, I didn't get to talk to you and Ian for very long."

"I wish we could've talked longer earlier but looks like we have all night to talk now,"

I smile. "Yea come one lets go in the living room and talk." I take his hand without realizing what I'm doing, and lead him to the living room.

Everyone else is either in the kitchen or in the hallways talking.

We sit down in the living room and just start talking about a lot of things. I, of course, was shy at first but I got used to talking to Anthony. He made me laugh about 100 times tonight.


September 28

*A week later*

I stretch out in my bed. I just woke up. I look around for my computer and quickly turn it on. I have to edit some videos today for my channel Wonderland Wardrobe. I've been slacking for awhile with these videos, but I'm going to get back on track soon. I might start filming vlogs today, if anything interesting happens today. My life everyday life is not really interesting at all.

I get a Skype call later and it's Anthony. Of course, I run around and throw something decent on. I don't want him to think I'm a slob.

I answer the call. "Hey Anthony," I smile and wave.

"Hey Kalel," He yawns. "I just woke up ."

"I did too. I have nothing to do today, except maybe film a vlog or something for my channel." I shrug

"Well we should hang out today!" He suggests.

Is he asking to hang out as friends? Or is this like a date?

"Sure! I'd love to!" I grin. "What time?"

"Around 3 o'clock."

"Alright see you then! Bye Anthony!"

"See ya later!" He says while making a funny ass face.

I laugh and hang up on the Skype call. I sigh. What am I gonna wear?


"Hey guys!" I wave to my camera. "Well I know this is weird because I don't vlog often, but I decided today is a vlog worthy day!"

I move the camera at a different angle and then continue. "So today I'm going to hang out with my good friend Anthony. I met him at this party and we've just been friends since that night. You will probably know who Anthony is because he is on YouTube also. You'll see who I'm talking about later! Alright see you guys in a bit!" I turn off my camera.

I hear the doorbell ring. I try to get to the doorbell first but my roommate Janie answers the door before me.

"Ohh! You're that guy from the party that Kalel keeps talking about," Janie says in awe

"Oh really?" Anthony smirks

"Yea," I join in. "Anthony is like my new best friend." I say giving him a hug.

He hugs back but it lingers for a while longer then I expected it to.

"Well, I guess you two should be heading out now." Janie suggest

"See you later," I tell her.

Me and Anthony walk out of my house and we go into his car.

"Hey you mind being in a vlog today?" I ask him

"I would love to be in a Kalel vlog," He says in a mocking voice.

I giggle and then turn on my camera and place it in a good spot.

"I'm back guys, here with Anthony!"

"You sound like a news reporter," He laughs

"Well what do you want me to sound like?" I giggle

"Something funny."

"Well guys I'm not good at sounding funny! So anyway Anthony is kidnapping me today. I have no idea where we are going," I say looking at him.

"You'll see, it's gonna be very fun." He smirks

I can't wait to see what we're doing.


Authors note:

Hiiiiiiiii! I am so new at writing stories on Wattpad. I do write stories on another website but not Kalel/Anthony stories. I just wanted to just put a new story out there because I've always wanted to write about tho pair so I said Why not? So here is zee story! Hope you enjoy it. Future chapters will come whenever I have free time because I just started school again and I have a busy schedule after school, blah blah blah. So see y'all later and enjoy! :)

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