Chapter 3

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September 29

"Kalel, I should be home by 6. You don't have to cook, I'll go out to eat," Janie tells me.

"Just go! You have a lot of crap to do," I start pushing her out the door.

"I'll call you when I'm on my way back," She yells as she is walking to her car.

I close the door and walk to my room. I look at the clock and it's 7am. I groan. I usually don't wake up this early, but since Janie had places to go, I had to get up and help her with stuff. 

When I enter my bedroom, I go on my computer and start typing ideas for my next videos. 

My phone buzzes. I reach for it and unlock it. 

I groan when I see the name pop up.


Ben is my ex. We had an on and off relationship for about a year and a half, until I caught him cheating on me with some slut. Every now and then he'll text me, hoping I've forgave him and want him again, but I don't think me and Ben are even good for each other. Plus I don't date cheaters.

His message says: "Hey Hun. I miss you. Call me soon. I miss hearing your voice"

I ignore the message. I don't have time to worry about Ben, I have another guy who I want.

Atleast I can finally admit to myself that I do like Anthony. Alot. 

I grin when I think of him. I think Me and Anthony just might stay friends because I seriously doubt he feels the same way about me. 


My doorbell rings and I rush to the door. 

"Hey Anthony!" I greet him reaching in for a hug.

He smiles and hugs me back. "Hey Kalel"

Our hug lingers for a bit longer then I expected it to, but sadly we finally pulled away from each other. 

"You wanna go bikeriding?" I ask him

"That sounds like fun," He says nodding his head. "You have two bikes?" 

"Well, I have a big bikeand it has a big basket in front of it. So I want you to pedal and I can just sit in the basket, enjoying the cool air," 

"You've been waiting to do this, have you?" Anthony smirks

"Maybe," I shrug. "Come on lets go!" I grab his hand and lead him into the the garage. I show him the bike and we drag it outside. 

Anthony hops on the bike and steadys it so I can get in the basket. 

We start going through the neighborhood. The wind was breezing through my hair. Anthony and I were having a great time! 

We spend a few hours just enjoying the bikeriding and then we decide to walk back to my house. Of course we have to drag the bike along with us. 

"I had fun today," I tell him when we reach my house. 

"Me to. I'm glad I get to spend time with you," He says

"I'm glad I have a new friend" I look up at him

We stare at each other for a long time. 

Like we are just looking each other dead in the eye.

I think he's gonna kiss me. Please kiss me.

His hand brushes a hair out of my face. At this moment, I swore we were gonna kiss.

Too bad it didn't happen.

My stupid phone rings, scaring the living daylights out of me and Anthony. I groan and check my phone. It's Ben. Again.

"Who's that?" Anthony asks

"My stupid ex. He always texts me, but he can't a hint," I awkwardly laugh

Anthony looks at his watch and swears to himself. "Crap! I have to go do Smosh stuff," He says. He leans in and kisses my cheek quickly. "See you later," He smirks and walks to his car.

I just stand there watching him leave. I touch my cheek, still shocked that he kissed me on the cheek. 

I sigh and go into my house and lean against the door.

Am I really crushing this hard? 


Hey Guys! I wrote this because I was doing my english paper but I was in the mood to write this instead of writing a paper on beauty pageants. Uck. So I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter! Please Vote!  And leave comments because I love reading comments. Alright see ya'll later!

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