Thirty fourth Entry

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May 20, 1992

Roger managed to control himself today. After what he confessed last night I was a little worried he would have done something today. Even though I didn't have to worry about Roger anymore, Debbie said something to me that made my worries come back. 

We were having lunch together on the patio. Roger took the kids out to the park. They were gone for an hour already. We had a conversation about different topics like her modeling career and my advertising. She offered me a glass of lemonade which I gladly accepted.

"I forgot how hot it gets over here" I laughed. I took a sip of my drink.

"I know, it gets so unbearable. Would you like a cigarette?" She asked me. 

"No thank you, I'm trying to quit." I said. She nodded and took one herself. "Have you and Roger talked about having any kids, or you two don't really want any?"

"We do, we just haven't had much time for now."

"It's a good thing, to take your time."


"Just to prepare yourself, talk about what you'll do in the future with them."

"Well that's not what you and Roger did is it?"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh come on, darling. That was such a hypocritical thing to say."

"Yes I might have been immature before but I've learned and I know better now."

"Then you must know not to just screw around with my husband."

"I haven't had any intentions to be with him for six years, and I don't intend to do it again."

"You better not, or else I won't allow you to step a foot in London again."

And I thought Dominique was horrible


A/N: So sorry about the really short chapter, I've been having writer's block so Im really low on ideas, but I don't want to keep you guys waiting. I promise there's more to come. 

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