Fortieth Entry

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June 15, 1992

Well fuck, I guess I have no idea how to keep a secret. Marty had come back home last night with the kids. They were completely exhausted and went straight to bed when they came home. I was reading a magazine in the living room with the t.v. on. I carried Tony to his crib while Marty carried Skylar. We both went to bed afterwards.

The next day I went to work while Marty stayed at home to rest with the kids. The day went on normally. Nothing different. I called home occasionally just to check up on them. Around four, I left the building and drove back home. Skylar and Tony were watching a movie on the couch. They both ran to me when I came in. I hugged them both. Marty came into the room. He was unusually silent. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Hola, mi amor. Did you rest well? You probably didn't get as much rest as you wanted with these two." I said. Skylar giggled. I patted her head. I headed upstairs to get changed. I took off my jewelry and put them on the bedside table. Marty came into the bedroom with me. I unbuttoned my shirt and put on a looser, more comfortable one.

"It was such a long day at work today" I sighed. "That client I keep talking about is such a stubborn person. We've given him our best ideas. I keep trying to tell him we're trying our best to satisfy him but-"

"You've been fucking Brian" Escaped Marty's mouth. I immediately stopped what I was doing. I felt my face burn up.


"You heard exactly what I said. You been cheating on me."

"I don't know why you would think that."

"I found this" he tossed a gold watch to me. "That's Brian's watch. I know, I've seen it before, it also has his initials engraved into it so I know I'm not overreacting.... Dahlia, how could you? Our children? Our marriage? Our life together? Our friendship?"

"Is that how much I fucked up?" I sniffled. "I messed up our friendship?"

"I don't really know how I can trust you anymore."

There was a moment of silence between us. He broke it .

"You should make sure you're not pregnant with his kid. You don't want to make the same mistake you did with Roger." He left the room. I was completely stunned by what he said. I cried to myself until I fell asleep. Oh god, why?


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