How they met

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(Hux POV)
I was so incredibly nervous I didn't know what to do with my self. I had a science project to do with my crush, Ben. He preferred to be called Kylo, but Ben is cuter.
I sat in class just bored out of my mind when Ben, who is sitting next to me, pokes my side.
"Yea?" I ask quietly.
"Hey, can I have your number, so we an work on the project together?"
My heart nearly skipped a beat. Giving my Jedi crush my number so we could hang out? How could I pass up this opportunity.
"Here gimme your hand." I grab and pen and start to write my number on the soft Palm of his had.
"Cool, thanks. Text you later!" He said leaving for his next class.

I sat alone I the next class waiting for the day to be over so I could hangout with Ben. Sighing I stare into space day dreaming about him. Us, in my bed, cuddling. That would be the best day every, every time we did that. I was rudely awoken out of my thoughts by the bell. SCHOOL WAS OUT!! I ran out the front door and to home.
To: Ky 👅: Hey, it's Hux. My parents have left for a while so we'd have the whole place to ourselves, wanna come over now?
From: Ky 👅: Sure, be there in 10
I smiled and set down my holopad. I sigh and lay done on my bed, thinking about Ben.

There was a knock on the door, I ran to go get it. Sure enough there was Ben standing there holding books, paper, and pencils.
"Hey." He smiles and walks in.
"Hey, Kylo." I blush and lead him to my room.
I get out all my matirials I need, sorting them out.
"Your very organized, I like that." His comment made me blush and scratch the back of my neck.
"T-thanks I guess." I laugh.
He just smiles at me, I like him and all but I started to get a bit uncomfortable.
"Hux?" He said breaking the silence.
"Yea, Ky?"
"I know we've only been just friends for only when school started but... I like you... A lot" He says as his face turns the brightest shade of read you've seen.
"I like you too, Ben." I giggle and blush hard.
"It's Kylo!" He yelled laughing and attempting to pout, but he can't help but to laugh.

Eternity - Adam young
Ride - 21 Pilots
My everything - owl city
Kill your heroes - Awolnation

Hope you enjoyed! I'll take requests on what the one shots should be about!!
-Kylos nose

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