Kylux AU

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Kylo POV
I stood at the counter of the coffee shop on the corner. I hated working here, it was always so busy and I hate people. But I need to make money so I'm not complaining. I was so bored and lonely.
Until that one faithful day.

He walked into the coffee shop wearing a graphic men's tank top, round sunglasses, white jean shorts, and his hair was combed nicely to the side. His face had sharp edges and defined cheek bones, also he had a small stubble.
Ok act cool you got this Benny
I take a deep breath and smile. He comes over to the counter and looks at the board behind me.
"Id like to have a mocha Frap decaf with whipped cream, please." He smiled and handed me his credit card. Looking over it to swipe it, I saw his name. Brendol Hux. I smile "It'll be out in just a moment sir." He smiles back at me and goes to take a seat. A crazy thought crossed my mind, so I snatched up a napkin and wrote "Hey, I'm Ben, wanna hang out sometime? Here's my number: 000-000-0000." I took a deep breath and set it next to his drink. "Brendol!" I yell. "Thank you." He smiles, taking the napkin and drink. Going to leave he reads the note.

Later that night I got a text. That's when my whole life changed forever.
A/N super short but Idc for you @misttwolf
-Kylos Nose

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