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Dipper looked up. Voice shaking he spoke, "M-mabel? I'm not dreaming right."

A figure tiptoed towards him. The figure looked almost identical to him other than the figure was a girl, had long hair and braces, and didn't have his birthmark on the forehead.

"Oh my God, Dipper! What did he do to you?" the figure or now identified as Mabel helped Dipper up.

"That isn't important. What's important is how you got in here. " Dipper hissed. "If he sees you he'll kill you. If I can't save from him I don't know what's going to motivate me to survive all of his torture."

"That's exactly why I'm here. To help you escape!" she announced and started pulling him towards the door. Based on the information she gathered, Bill comes back once a day so she can still rescue Dipper.


Dipper's eyes widened. The new security system Bill bought was to alarm him if Dipper left the room. They ran across the halls and went down the stairs. Slammed the doors open and ran through the streets.

They could see it. The gates that separated this place from the world. Just a few more blocks. Almost there.


"Where do you think your going?" It was Bill. He was behind them. They turned around to see that he had a gun.

"B-bill! P-put the gun down. P-please. L-let's talk."

"I'll give you two choices Pine tree. You come back with me and shooting star gets to leave or the two of you try to escape I kill shooting star and take you back with me. So which will it be?"

Dipper looked at Mabel before looking at Bill again. "Ticktock kid. This is a onetime offer." Bill warned aiming the gun on Mabel."I'm sorry,Mabel. Deal." he left Mabel's side and took Bill's hand. "Come on Bill, let's go back." he was about to turn around to go back to the house when-


Mabel's body fell to the ground. Bill shot her. "Mabel! You-you said you won't kill her! We had a deal!" Bill shrugged. "She'll come back and do this again anyway. You'll break the deal of not trying to escape and then she dies. Why wait for next time when I could do it immediately?" and with that he was dragged back to his personal hell by the devil himself.

Yes. Yes. I know. Tragic end, Mabel died, Dipper can never escape or be rescued by anyone.

If you aren't satisfied you can always make your own ending using your imagination. That's what I do.

Don't hate me or anything about the ending. I'm pretty sure that it was clear that wasn't letting Dipper escape Bill based on the ending or chapter one. Applause to those who got it write.

Yeah... I'm not gonna write a part where Mabel survives cause you can just imagine it easily right? Mabel just lives and Bill still gets Dipper. Small difference. No big deal. If its a big deal to you then sorry.

And about the video. I just placed it cause it seemed to fit. Here's the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-mV3Qx1fopg

Thanks for reading until the end.

Thanks for reading until the end

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Yeah just wanted to share this. Saw it on facebook.

When someone says your otp is stupid:

When someone says your otp is stupid:

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This one is really the last one.

When someone shows you some things you don't like or pictures of people you don't ship:

When someone shows you some things you don't like or pictures of people you don't ship:

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Found that in facebook too.

Okay I'll stop this now. Thanks again for reading.

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