Faking it; Where You Going? Pt.2

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Chris POV:

I can't believe Yn forgot my birthday. Is it really that easy to forget something so important.

30 minutes after leaving the house, I went to my homie house (August) to tell him all the shit that had went down.

*pulls up at his house and rings the doorbell*

August: Who is it?

"It's me Chris"

August:*opens the door* Aye wassup.. Whatchu doin here?

"Some shit went down at the house"

August: Damn nigga Again? Come in and tell me wassup. *lets Chris in and closes the door*

*chris sits on the couch*

August: iight gone ahead and tell me what happened. And happy b-day cuhh.

"Thanks...but this is what happened..

I told August everything that went down. He said it something so unnecessary to argue about. He was right. I loved Yn to much to leave her.

So I left August house and went to the store to buy Yn some "let's makeup gifts."

I bought her a dozen red roses and 2 boxes of chocolates, Then left.


(This is while Chris was at Aug's house)

I woke up from my nap and looked at my phone.
(It's 5:47pm) Chris has been gone for awhile, so I don't know if he's gonna come back or not.
Then I realized that I never messed up my plan it's been going the way it really was supposed to.

You got up from your bed and walked over to the closet to get the rose petals and candles. Then you opened to bag of petals and laid each one one the bed and when you finished it was in the shape of a heart. You lit the strawberry scented candles and grabbed the leftover bag of petals.

While walking down stairs you tossed the petals up in the air. Then went into the kitchen and got whip cream, strawberries and chocolate. You then went back upstairs and set all 3 items on the dresser.

After I got done freshening our room up I decided to go freshen myself up. When I got done I put on my matching black lace bra and panties with a shiny red robe and black heals. Then sprayed on strawberry & Champaign perfume form Victoria's Secret. Then curled my hair and put on my makeup. (this was Chris's favorite outfit of Yn)

After I got done I sat on the bed and waited until Chris came home but that's only if he does come back.

* Chris is coming back

* Yn is getting ready

* Chris and Yn...

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