The (Real) Lesson For Today Is...

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*bell rings*

"Alright class that's it for today. Remember there will be a quiz Monday, so be sure to study over the weekend guys and have a nice day." I told my students as they rushed out of the classroom.

I took a seat at my desk chair and sighed heavily. "Boy what-a-day" I said while grabbing a stack of ungraded papers and my bag when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, it's unlocked" I yelled.

It was one of my students who usually never comes to see me after school.

"Hey Ms.Williams" he said smirking.

"Oh hey Mr.Brown. What can I do for you? You usually don't come after school to see your favorite teacher." He and I both let out a chuckle.

"Yea i know I know. I just came by to see my grades and gpa." He said dropping his book bag onto the floor.

"Alright honey, give me a minute to pull it up." I said while logging into the computer.

"Ok." Chris said walking towards the computer.

I typed his name into the computer, pulled up his student records, and looked for what he needed.

"Umm. Well sir, your gpa is 3.9 and your grades are all A's and B's. Your doing a very nice job Chris.

As I was telling Chris his information, I took of my headband which let out my straight brown bangs, undid one button, and rubbed my neck. It was kinda hot and I was thirsty.

"Hey uhh Chris, can you hand me a bottle of water out of my mini fridge please?" I said pointing to the fridge.


He walked over to the fridge and back to me giving me the water.

"Ms.Williams may I get a Sprite?" He asked politely, handing me the water.

"Yea. Help yourself."

"Thanks" he said.

"Your welcome sweatheart."

"Hey umm Ms.Williams?"

"Hmm?" I said turning to him.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said sipping from his Sprite and licking his lips.

"Of course. Ask away." I said

" How old are you? Cause you look really young to be a high school teacher."

I smiled and shook my head.

"I'll be 23 next Thursday"

"Dang. I guess that's why your everyone's favorite. Your so cool."

"Uhhh...I guess you could say that."

There was a small silence between us. I could feel Chris staring at me. I wasn't sure why but it really didn't bother me to much. He always stares in class. So I don't know what's on his mind.

"Is there anything else I can do for you" I asked grabbing the ungraded papers.

"No ma'am. Thanks."

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