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Bianca's POV
I can't believe I did that. He probably hates me now! It was such a shitty move. I mean he couldn't possibly like me. But it felt so right.. I had to do it! I'm so stupid!
I walk into the house and lean on the door sighing, I slowly lunge over toward the kitchen where I can smell a delicious meal being cooked by Jade, her boyfriends here so it's obvious she's gonna make a nice dinner. Usually we just get takeout. I slump onto the counter, but I made a fool of myself.. Mitchell will think I'm so wierd. I wouldn't be surprised if he never called me or text me again..
J: Hey chick wazzup?
B: I-I made a f-fool of myse-myself I-in f-f-front of M-Mitch!
J: Awh why babes?
B: I-I kissed h-him..
J: Awh Bee, it's okay! You like him though right..
B: Y-yeah but h-he would n-never l-l-like me! I'm j-just b-bianca!
J: He probably likes you! Your gorgeous Bianca Brooke! Don't think otherwise!
B: Th-thanks Jade. I-I'm off to r-record a n-new y-youtube video.
J: Okay!
X: My niece loves your YouTube!
I turn and see jades boyfriend, Luke.
B: Awh th-that's cute! W-what's her name I-I can g-give her a sh-shoutout!
L: Lucy May Oliver.
B: Ok I'll g-giver her a sh-shoutout!
J: My baby sister, always caring for people.
B: Be qu-quite sis!
J: Okay go record then you she devil!
B: Okay.
J: Be quite tho Kaiseys sleeping.
B: Okay, b-bye y-you guys!
J&L: Bye!
I walk away and make my way to my recording room and log onto teamspeak and join the cube guys. I then log onto minecraft and we all play hypixel.

author note:
G: Graser, P: Parker, H: Hbomb, M: Mitch/straub and T: Tybzi.

G: Hello Bee!
B: Hey g-guys!
H: What we gonna play?
M: Skywars?
B: Yeah!
T: Okay!
P: Seems good to me.
We all get into a game of Skywars. And it's the end of the game and there is just me, graser, h and straub left.
B: Free for all?
G: Yes Miss Bianca!
H: 3, 2, 1.. GO!!
We all rush to eachother but me, I hid in the building shifting. Everyone thought I died.
G: And bee is dead!
B: Hah, y-yeah..
P: No sh-
B: SHUT u-up Parker!
It's just Graser left now and he's confused why the game hasn't ended.
G: Erm. I'm the only one left why isn't the game ending?
B: Jeronimo!!
I jump down and kill him.
B: Haha!!
We play a few more games until we had recorded for 1 hour.
M: Bianca, come to mine in 20!!
B: Mitchell I-it's 6 at night!
M: Okay, see you in the morning?
B: Yes y-you will!
We all end the call and I end my video with a quick message to my fan Lucy.
B: And here's a quick sh-shoutout to my g-girl Lucy May O-Oliver! Hey g-girl hey.
I turn of my camera and computer and join Jade and Luke on the sofa watching Netflix. I grab a blanket and wrap myself up tight but still in a position where I can text people and tweet.
My phone buzzes and is from jade..
Jade: hey, how did recording go?
Me: Okay I guess, Mitch invited me over but I said I'll see him tmoz.
Jade: why it's only 6
Me: ik but I still feel embarrassed and shaky!

orphic; straubeeWhere stories live. Discover now