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MONDAY, after bees birthday
<<Biancas POV>>

I wake up to a repeated ring on the front doors doorbell. I assume I'm hearing things as no one else woke up. I carefully step out of bed, as to not want to watch Mitch. I creep down stairs and hear the bell carry on ringing. I get to the door and turn the handle. I opened it to reveal my mum and Kaiseys father, Carter. What confused me was that they broke up after Kaisey was born?
B: Mom?
Mum: Bee! my new adult!
B: what's with you.. Your acting strange..
Mum: I just wanted to come see my new adult child!
B: So you don't show for 16 weeks, though our car crash. Me going missing and nearly killed and Kaiseys new achievement. But when I turn 19..
Mum: I thought this was very important. Anyway, what do you mean about kaisey?
B: She can't talk now. After weeks of agony and being mute!
Mum: Awhh.
C: My baby's developing.
Carter shoots me a sly smirk and I just look away. We always hated eachother. He was the reason mine and jades father left and never returned. He threatened him and I haven't liked him since.
I let the two in and we all sit and chat, me still avoiding every word that Carter speaks. After a while Jade and Kaisey turn up for upstairs.
J: M-mum??
K: Daddy! Mummy!
Kaisey runs to the two of them and wraps her delicate arms around them.
K: Mummy, mummy!
Mum: Yes darling?
K: I can talk mummy!
C: Your growing up Kaisey girl!
K: Yes I am!
She sits next to mum and holds her.
J: Why are you here!
Mum: I wanted to celebrate with Beatrice!
J: Bianca.
Mum: That's what I said.
J: No you didn't you said Beatrice. You don't even know her name.
Mum: Still a snappy cunt aren't you.
You can smell the tension as much as you can smell alcohol and drugs.
I hear the slight sound of footsteps trudging down the stair way and a few seconds later a tired Mitchell appears.
M: Whoah. Since when were you having a family reunion.
B&J: We don't know.
He comes to me and sits next to me holding his hands on my waist.
Mum: Mitchell! It's nice to see you again.
M: You too Miss Brooke.
Mum: Ah Ah! It's Mrs Bradshaw now!
J: Wait.
B: What!!
C: We're married!
B: Oh.
K: Yay!
Me and jade simply look at eachother as to say, What The Fuck.
Mum: Oh Bianca, I nearly forgot! Here's your gift!
She hands me tickets to a concert in town to see Justin Beiber. Yay..
B: I-I don't like him.
Mum: Oh, never mind. Jade you have them!
J: What ever.
Jade goes to the kitchen to cook breakfast for us as we haven't ate.
Mum: Oh nice ring, who bought you that?
B: Well it's not just a ring.
M: I proposed..
Mum: Oh my! Congrats kids!
M: Thanks!
After a day of misery from my mum being here me and Mitch go to my room to watch tv when suddenly I hear a bang and a smash from downstairs.
I look through the banister and see mum and Jade glaring at eachother.
J: Your a fucking disgrace.
Mum: Says you. Fighting with your mother!
J: Bitch! I haven't even started!
Mum: I brought you into this world and I can take you out.
That threat pissed me off to the max. I run to the kitchen and shout
J: This bitch of a mother pissed me off to the max!
Mum: Me a bitch? Oh girl. OH girl!
Jade runs to her and punches her, making my mother freak out and knock Jade to the floor. I run o Jade and help her up.
Our mother downs the rest of her beer and stares at Jade.
J: What are you gonna do. TRY ME
Mum: Oh you'll see. You will see.

<<Mitch's POV>>

J: What are you gonna do. TRY ME
Mrs B: Oh you'll see. You will see.
I see Bianca run to Jade but I pull her aback as I see Mrs Bradshaw rushing to Jade, glass bottle in hand. I hold her close and suddenly..
The empty beer bottle is whacked over Jades head and she falls to the floor, blood rushing from her body.
Bee screams in terror and grabs a phone calling the police.
Mrs Bradshaw backs away and Carter holds her.
M: What did you do!
C: Fuck off prissy boy. She deserved it
M: WHO do you think you are?!
The police arrive and so does an ambulance. The nurses take Jade in a stretcher to a hospital and the police take Mrs Bradshaw into custody...

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