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Scream by scream makes everyone vince from the pain that was released from the agonizing sound. Men tried their best to protect and save their families, the bullets flew through the air like small needles cutting through different objects and flesh. The causes of the haunting sounds and images.

Mothers try their hardest to protect the innocemt children from the unforgiving scenes before them. Fathers are giving their all to block the upcoming enemy attacks. Sons are fighting side by side with their fathers, giving help as much as they could. Daughters run to aid anyone in need while calming down the young ones.

Both sides are giving their all. Both sides have the same goal: to SURVIVE. But only one side has a leader with a clear and reasonable conscience. Nothing scares him. Everything around him only gives him a motivation. He's aware that at one point he will die, you can't cheat death. But he will give his life to protect the ones that believe in him. That's all he ever wanted, for someone to believe in him.

Although that's not the whole truth. It is partial, but for some reason his lost heart won't let him believe that he wants someone to LOVE him, not only BELIEVE in him.

Christopher Young led a void life, filled with disappointment. A lost young boy who only seeked well deserved attention. There was no one good enough to give him that, so as growing up he started believing that there's no such person capable of that in this world, so he's 'satisfied' with people just trusting him and believing in him in what he does best. Up until now, war was his only love because it was his escape.

So why is Elizabeth Johnson so special? What makes her so different to make the cold hearted soldier notice just her among the hundreds of young women that seek comfort from a strong man such as himself?


A/N: So what do you guys think? Should I keep writinig this story? Tbh it just randomly popped up in my head so I hope it's any good.

I would appreciate to see some feedback, of course it would make my day. So please VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE THE STORY if you believe it's any good.

And my apologies for all the grammar mistakes, I support criticism and will take it as long as it's in the lines of tolerance. So please no trash talking, every insulting comment will be reported and deleted.

And remember




-Ivana xx

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