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Goku and the rest of the z fighters make their way to the time chamber on kame's lookout. They now know that the training they did for the last year was for nothing. All of them combined wasn't even close to a quater of his strength. Goku decided to ask king kai if he knew of any way to help them gain about 20 years of training in a small amount of time. King kai told Goku that there is one way for one person at n time to get about 15 years of training in 10 min. But he warns goku that with great power comes great sacrifices. Because for each year you spend in the place is a year gone from your life.

The rest of the z fighters didnt want to lose 20 years of their life just for training. They all asked if they could come out any time they wanted but was awensered that its either 20 years or none. The only ones willing to take the risk is Goku and vegeta. While king kai told Goku and vegeta the details entailing their training , the rest of the z fighters went to the normal time chamber for training. It wont be much training but it is better than none at all

King kai tells goku and vegeta of the time halls where they will have to meet the keeper of time . Only he can grant the two of them access to go through the doors of time

Im struggeling to copy the rest from another device , full update will be done in few days.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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