Chapter 17

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Mia's POV
I woke up in Luke's arms, I looked at Mikey, he was awake too. Just enjoying this. He was in Calum's arms, Michael texted me he was gay and he liked Calum, already. I was so happy for him, he needs to tell Cal but he's scared, I'd be too if I was Mike. He looked at me with a grin, I whispered" you h-have to tell him." Michael whispered" n-no, h-he'll h-hate me." I whispered" how do you know that?" Michael looked away from me, with a small smile, I whispered" tell him or I will." Michael looked at me, shocked, he whispered" okay." I smiled, then tried to wriggle out of Luke's grip, I giggled as his grip got tighter, Michael giggled too. Calum started moving around, slowly waking up, he hummed, mumbling" Mikey, stop moving." That caused both of us to giggle, causing both boys to wake up, Calum said" laugh all you want, I'm going back to sleep." He turned around and fell asleep, Luke said" hey babe." Trying to kiss me, I scrunched up, he said" what?" Michael looked at me, I said" your breathe stinks!" Luke looked at me with a sly smile, before, leaning over to me and kissed all over my face. I said" no! Ahh! Mike Help your sister!" I heard Mikey too busy laughing, I pouted and started kissing Luke back, he smiled into the kiss, Michael said" g-gross." I laughed pulling away from Lukey, Calum turned around saying" you think kissing is gross?" Michael said" n-no. Ju-just them k-kissing near me." Calum laughed, I looked at Michael, we had a conversation with our eyes. Michael said" C-Calum, can I talk to you? P-privately." Luke looked at me, Calum said" yeah." Then they got up walking out the door, into the hall, Luke looked at me, I smiled, leaning into his chest, he said" what'd you do?" I said" you know don't you?" He said" yeah, Mike's gay and has a crushy on Cal." I nodded, Luke said" You convinced him!" He turned me around, kissing me. I smiled, Luke said" Ashy knows too, I accidentally told him, Mikey freaked out." Then we heard Cal scream" Yess!! Wait what?! Lucas!!" I covered my mouth, Calum opened the door and tackled Luke, I quickly moved next to Mikey, he was giggling, a blush on his face, I looked at him, he looked at me, with a big smile, I squeaked hugging him, he hugged me back. I saw Luke and Calum wrestling, I laughed, Calum said" you knew! You didn't tell me! He liked me!" Luke said" no! I didn't know you liked him!" Calum pouted, and pinned Luke again, he said" I hate you." Luke said" can't hate your best mate!" Calum said" fine! If I could I would." They let go of each other and smiled at us, Mikey and I hid our faces as they smiled at us, I heard feet shuffling. Then my hands were taken from my face and held in Luke's hands, I smiled at him, he kissed me. I glanced over at Mikey, He and Calum were kissing. I smiled and focused on Luke, we kissed for 5 seconds, till we parted, Mike and Calum parted too.
It's been 2 days, we're at school, I'm scared, I can't always stay with Luke or Calum or Ashton, or Michael. We all got new classes for some odd thing the school is trying, I frowned, I see Calum, leaning against a locker scanning the halls, I ran to him, he said" Hey Mia. You okay?" I shook my head, then held out my hand, he said" you forgot your phone at home, didn't you?" I pouted nodding, he said" alright here. But remember phones do die of battery and you and mike have left your phones at your house." I blushed, he handed me his phone, I typed leave us alone! We were in a rush! It's not funny. And let me see your new schedule. Calum handed me his schedule, I saw we had no classes the same, I frowned, he took mine, he said" yeah I know, I have no classes with Mikey. Now I don't have classes with you!" He pouted, I smiled a tiny bit, he said" wanna go find the rest of our weird group?" I nodded, and we walked off, I held onto Calum's hand, he didn't mind, we walked to find them, once we did, they were sitting in the library, Ashton was reading a book, while Luke and Michael were playing with their sweater paws, Calum and I looked at each other, and then started walking to them, Luke and Michael instantly jumped away from each other, causing Ashton to giggle. Calum whispered" let's see the schedules." Everyone pulled out them and laid them on the table, we looked at them, I saw I had no classes with Calum, Luke or Michael or Ashton! I looked at the boys frantic. Michael reached and held my hand, Michael had a class with Luke and Ashton but not Calum or me. Then Ashton had classes with Michael and Calum. Then Luke had classes with Calum and Michael. I frowned, Luke whispered" it'll be okay." After a few the bell rang, I went to 3rd period, at least it's almost time to go. I walked in and sat in the back, my old self coming back as I saw Jocks fill the class and a few of the popular girls, I let out a quiet shaky breathe.
Once class ended, I ran out, then ran into someone, I heard Ashton said" hey! Whoa, Mia." He wrapped his arm around me, he led me away from the hall under the stairs, he said" hey, it's okay now, what happened?" I looked at him, he handed me his phone, I typed they're in my class! They're in my class!! Ashton said" Mia, who?"

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