meeting my daddies

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Braylon's POV

I rolled over and noticed I was in a different room. I was in the nursery now, I don't see Noah anywhere either.
"Noah," I scream at the top of my lungs. When he didn't answer my eyes started to water. " Noah,"I screamed again sobbing. I sat up and noticed that there were people at the windows watching us. My tears were still flowing down my face as I stared at the people also. There were a total of six people. They all looked like they were married to the person next to them. They clung unto each others arms in excitement. There was one couple who didn't do as the others did. They held each other in a loving embrace as they stared at my tear streaked face. I heard a buzz and the door to the nursery opened. The couples looked around the room at each baby, but the last couple came straight towards me. Two males; one slightly taller than the other. The taller man spoke first,
"Hi, braylon what's wrong," Still sobbing I replied "Noah,". "Who's that," the shorter man asked. "Him my fwiend,". "How about we find him after this," he suggested. I nodded my head in agreement. The taller man name was Jason, he has black hair and blue eyes. His husband name is Felix, he has red hair and green eyes.
"Braylon would you like to come with us," Felix asked me. "What bout Noah,"I said. "We'll find him before we leave,"Jason said. "Rwelly," I asked. "Promise,"he replied. I stuck my pinkie out he just chuckled and wrapped his pinkie around mine.Felix picked me up and we left out the nursery. We were walking to the reception desk when
"Noah," I screamed excitedly. He walked towards us and I reached for him. He took me from Felix
"Have you been crying braylon." I looked down and nodded. "Me's thought ou left wif out saying goodbye," I said. He tickled my belly "Never," he said. I giggled in response, i forgot jason and felix were there until i heard a chuckle. Noah handed me back to felix.
"So you're being adopted already, thats great braylon,"he said. "Noah miss me,"i asked "of course, but i'll try to come visit if its ok with Jason and Felix,"he replied. I turned to Felix with a pout "pwease,"i asked. "Anything for you Braylon," he said. I clapped my hands in excitement. "See you later Braylon," Noah said walking away. "Bye-bye Noah,"I said. We continued our walk to the reception desk.
"How may I help you sir,"she said. "We would like to adopt Braylon,"Jason told her. She went into her desk and pulled out a clipboard that had papers on it. We sat down while Jason filled out the papers. Felix gave me my paci that clipped to my onesie. I just layed my head on his chest. Jason had handed the papers to the receptionist. She read over them and stamped them and gave him a copy. Felix started to put a coat on me. We headed out to the car,and once I was strapped in we were off. I was kicking my legs happily while watching the trees, when I noticed a huge house.
"Ou guys house," I asked in shock. "You mean our house," Felix replied. Jason parked the car, grabbed me and we went inside. As Felix opened the door I looked around in amazement. "We can do a tour later, but how about some food," Jason said. He took off my coat and took me to the kitchen and placed me into a highchair.
"What would you like to eat baby,"he said. "Eggs," I replied. He gave me a bottle of juice while he started the eggs. A few minutes passed, Now Jason was feeding me eggs.
"Good,"he asked. "Yuppy," I say laughing. The eggs we're soon gone and I had my bottle of juice sitting with Jason and Felix. "Braylon there are some rules we need to go over,"Felix said. "Otay," I reply and suck my paci.
"Rule #1: Jason is dada and I'm papa.
Rule#2: No cursing/spitting.
Rule#3:No talking back.
Rule#4:No being rude/ disrespectful.
Rule#5:Nap time is 2:00-3:30.
Rule#6:No hitting/throwing things.
Rule#7:Bedtime is 9:00 sharp.
Rule#8:Always use your nappies.
Rule#9:Always talk like a baby.
Rule#10:Papa and Dada knows best. "If you break any of these rules you get a spanking,time out,early bedtime," "that's awot of rules papa," I said. " I know baby but could you try for us,"he asked. "Me's twy," I replied. "Thank you mi bambino," papa said kissing all over my face making me giggle. "How about that tour now," Dada said.

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