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I woke up from my nap and noticed papa wasnt in the room with me anymore. I grabbed my bottle and climbed off the bed. I was the perfect height to open the door.I started towards the stairs, as I was walking down I tripped over my shoes lace. I started rolling down the stairs I hit my mouth on the stairs and I landed on my leg wrong. I started sobbing as I hit the ground. My papa and Dada came running from the kitchen and they saw me on the floor bleeding.
"Oh my God,"papa said. As he pulled me into his arms. Dada ran to get the car and papa sat with me in the backseat. I was a sobbing mess and I was getting blood onto his shirt. Pawpaw and mema we're driving behind us. When we arrived to the hospital Dada went to park the car and papa rushed inside yelling for help. A doctor came running and I was placed on a gurney and rolled to the back. A cloth was pressed to my mouth and my leg. They cleaned the blood up from my mouth and my leg. A few moments later papa and Dada walked into the room.
"How is he," Dada asked.
"Well," the doctor said.
"His leg is broken and he front teeth are loose they need to come out."
"Do you know what happened," he asked.
"He fell down the stairs," Dada told him since papa was crying into his chest.
"Alright so I have reset the bone in his leg and put a cast on," the doctor said. He grabbed my leg and depositioned it I started sobbing more it hurt so bad. They had cut off my pants so I was just in a diaper, a nurse came in and gave me a shot so my leg would go numb. After the numbness kicked in she left to grab gauze. She came back with four different colors. There was blue, orange,yellow, and green.
"Which color would you like Braylon,"she asked.
"Owange," I said.
As the doctor held my leg in place she began to wrap it.Dada was holding my hand the whole time.
"Papa is ou otay," i asked.
"Yes, baby papa's okay," he told me.
I noticed my leg fall to the side as the doctor let go.
"So he has to wear the cast for six months, and every two you can bring him in so we can check on his leg,"the doctor said.
"Thank you, doctor," dada said.
"Just doing my job,"he replied.
"He didnt have any head trama so he's free to go." A nurse rolled in a wheel chair papa picked me up and placed in it. He rolled me out to the car, Dada put me in my car seat and strapped me in.

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