Chapter 7

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Hey! This is also free written. I think I've improved a bit on my writing but I haven't had practice on something. Feel free to comment! Votes are always appreciated too :) I'm also really sorry this is short.

Early dawn light rose over the horizon, almost impossible to see through the thick mass of trees. Hook awoke with a start, groaning and swatting at the morning like it were a fly.

Emma was already awake, scurrying to slip on her chestnut boots, ignoring the raging protest of her stomach. Eat later, Henry now.

Hook took his sweet time sleeping in, as well as Mary Margaret and David, who were pressed up against each other. Mary Margaret's hair hung lazily over her acute nose and long eyelashes, while David was snoring with a track of drool over his chin. He'd never admit it though.

Hook noticed a flash of blonde tresses through his mostly-shut eyes and shot up, following the soft crunch of small footsteps. Where was she going?

He watched her mane reflect off the sun, watching the golden locks dance from the slight breeze. Either she didn't know he was following her, or she just didn't want to deal with him. Hook imagined her sage eyes would darken when angered, and glimmer when happy.

This continued for a while until they stopped by a small alcove area, maple trees flushed to hide their presence. A canopy of green surrounded them up, barely any baby blue sky peeking through. Distant splashing of water indicated they were close to a waterfall.

Emma promptly stopped, her fierce pools of brown burning a hole into Hook. He took a step back, caught off guard. An eyebrow arched, he waited for her chastising words.

Instead she rose up on her tip toes, tilting her head at the perfect angle where their lips could meet. Her nose brushed the side of Hook's freckled cheek, blush now creeping up. He blinked for a moment before returning her sweet, yet confusing, gesture, his hook grazing the small of her back. His world exploded, his heartbeat in his fingers and his core melting.

Emma pulled away a little too soon, hurting Hook with a wipe of her mouth. She looked at him up and down, eyes sorry.

"That was..." Hook began, hoping for a positive reaction.

"A one time thing." Emma concluded, turning on her heel and beginning her journey, to wherever she was going. Perhaps her searching was on automatic, and eventually she'd wander into the world of oblivion and desperation.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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