The Girl Next Door||Part 3

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That was the start of the nightmare.

Every day, he began watching me compulsively.

Whenever I went outside he would be in his yard, just staring at me, with a weird smile on his face.

It was a terrible feeling.

Day and night, he never seemed to take his eyes off me.

The fear of not knowing what he might do made me sick to my stomach. It was like living in the middle of a scary movie.

Then, one morning, my mom found a teddy bear sitting on our back doorstep. It had my name on it.

The police said there was nothing they could do because we couldn't prove it was Nick who sent me the bear.

I felt like a prisoner in my own house.

I would crawl around on the floor from room to room because I didn't want him to catch a glimpse of me through the windows.

(Sum 💩 I do when I'm home alone🌚)

A few days later, I was driving to school. When I got into the car, I saw Nick sitting in his truck door, just staring at me.

As soon as I drove off, he began following me.

I didn't know what he was you to do. All I knew was that I had to get away.

I have never been so terrified in all my life.

He kept right on my tail and I was desperate to escape from him.

I floored the accelerator and driver all the way to my grandmother's house.

When I got there, he even followed me all the way up the driveway, but as soon as he saw my grandmother, he took off.

I was petrified.

My mom reported it to the police and they said it was a violation of his probation. They arrested Nick and he was sent back to jail.

However, I knew it wasn't over. I was the object of his obsession and he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted.

I was expecting the worst, but what happened next shocked me beyond belief.

My mom got a phone call from the police saying Nick had been released on bail.

She immediately called me at school and broke the news to me. I couldn't believe it.
Someone paid for him to get out of jail. 😳
But who?🤔

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