Chapter 7

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"I'm so sorry, Usako," Mamoru said, clutching his head in one hand as he and Usagi exited Crown Arcade together.

Usagi vehemently shook her head. "Please, Mamo-chan, I just want to make sure you're okay..."

Even with his hand to his forehead he gave a confident smile and nod. "It's just a migraine. I get them every once in awhile. It must have been all the flashing lights of that game."

They usually played Sailor V together, but anything Sailor-related was the last thing Usagi had wanted to partake in that morning. Instead, she'd opted for a friendly Sonic the Hedgehog challenge; a game Mamoru was familiar with, but had never played. It had no more blinking lights than the Sailor V game did, but she had to cut him some slack after everything she'd put him through.

"I think it's more because you didn't sleep very well last night."

He gave a defeated laugh. "I was trying not to bring it up."

Usagi smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "I thought that was a better excuse than me smoking you at getting those Chaos Emeralds." Seven crystals, all a different color of the rainbow. She'd gotten four, he'd gotten two, and he had to concentrate more and more after each round to keep up. Before the seventh round had even finished loading he'd launched himself away from the arcade cabinet and cradled his head in his hands, groaning in a way she'd never heard before.

He shuddered as if replaying the same memory. "I think I'd rather talk about last night again, to be honest. Something about that game really triggered this headache."

Usagi frowned. "Please let me take you home."

Mamoru shook his head. "I'll be fine, Usako. I promise. I'll call you later... I think I just need some sleep." He kissed her sweetly on the lips, gave her another small smile, then turned to walk down the street. When he reached the subway station he turned around, smiled when he saw she was still watching him, and waved before descending the stairs.

Usagi nearly jumped out of her shoes when she felt a sudden weight on her shoulder and fur brush her face, yet somehow stifled a scream. This high school uniform disguise really worked wonders! "It looks like you two are better now," Luna proudly murmured into her ear.

Usagi rolled her eyes. "We wouldn't have not been good if you didn't come along."

Luna hesitated, mumbling the weirdly-worded phrase a couple of times before finally understanding. "Yes, well, you'll learn to balance these lives. Was Mamoru confused by your high school uniform? I guess it was better than your original pajama plan."

Usagi grunted as she began heading home. Had Luna thought of how odd the disguise choice had been before letting her out of the house? She still couldn't quite trust this cat... "I told him my friend Ami and I went to a high school orientation." But, wait... Ami and Mamoru knew each other! What if he asked her about it?! Usagi froze in place, eyes wide. "Oh NO! Ami... I have to find Ami!"

"This isn't a high school though, Usagi..." Ami said with trepidation as the two girls approached a large building a few buildings down from Crown Arcade. Usagi sighed. Had she only known she would wind back up here this afternoon, she never would have run around the Azabu district barreling people over in search of this blue-haired genius girl. "It's just a cram school for students IN high school."

Usagi nodded enthusiastically as she looked at the fourth-floor sign: CRYSTAL SEMINAR: HOME OF THE REVOLUTIONARY CRYSTAL DISK STUDY METHOD.

Usagi put her hand behind her head and laughed nervously. "Let's be honest, Ami; this is the only taste of high school I'll ever get for the next couple of years! So I consider it a high school... Mamo-chan will be really happy you let me come with you for one of the sessions. Thank you for bringing me here. Next time you see him, tell him how happy I was to see it, okay?"

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