~Chapter 4~

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                         I can't believe I have to go back to school in four days. 


                                                        ~Chapter 4~

                  The next few days passed by in a blur of shopping and settling in. My room was more personalized now, due to the sale at the furniture store Kristy had taken me too. My bed now had a black and white duvet that suited my white furniture nicely.

 I had also hung several posters with overused quotes on the wall and set up a few random items that I had liked, such as a lava lamp that gave the room a pink hue and a painted piece of wood that was carved in the shape of a ‘K’. Kristy had even found me a matching set of bean bag chairs that were half off.

Clothes shopping had been pretty easy since the regular school year had started a few months ago and most people had already bought a ton of stuff for back to school shopping, leaving the stores not as crowded as I had thought they would be. I got mostly jeans and long sleeve shirts to keep up with the rapidly decreasing temperature, something I was completely unused to after living in Florida.

Werewolves didn’t get as cold as humans, but we still got cold.

 I had also been able to shift a few times. For some reason, werewolves didn’t like the hour of sunrise. It didn’t really affect our strength or anything; it just left this unpleasant little nagging that we shouldn’t be shifted at this time. I think it was because of the fresh absence of the moon.

Whatever the reason, most werewolves didn’t go out at this time if they had a choice. So that gave me a free period where I didn’t have to worry that much about running into anyone else. It wasn’t as pleasant because of the annoying nagging in my head but I would take what I could get.

A routine was starting to settle into my new home and I felt myself becoming less tense as the days passed and I became more comfortable. Until my aunt decided to make me face a horrifying reality;

  “You’re starting school in two days.”

     So now here I was, standing in front of my mirror and trying not to poke my eye out with my mascara wand. “We’ve got to go in fifteen minutes!” Kristy called.

“I’ll be ready in ten!” I yelled back, studying my reflection. My blonde, straight hair hung just past my shoulders and my brown eyes were rimmed with just a tiny bit of eyeliner.

I was wearing dark skinny jeans and a white tank top with a black leather jacket. It wasn’t one of those studded, try-hard leather jackets that people wore when they were trying to seem cooler than they actually were. It was faded and slightly cracked because it was one of the few clothing that had survived my ‘adventure’ and it was comforting to wear. I felt like the rest of the world was a little bit further away whenever I wore it.

 Trying just a little too hard to seem unapproachable, aren’t you?

I ignored my judgmental self and proceeded to grab my new backpack which was loaded with school supplies (and my anti-werewolf perfume).

 “Aw, you look so cute.” I was greeted with an overexcited Kristy standing at the foot of the stairs, a camera in her hand. She didn’t have any kids so I guessed that she wanted to finally have a chance at ‘first-day-of-school’ pictures.

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