Cover Competition!! (OPEN)

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I'm opening a competition! Anyone can enter

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I'm opening a competition! Anyone can enter. You are a drawing a cover for the sequel to Wings, Flight!

You can draw anything related to the book. These are the requirements and rules:

-It has to have the two main chars, Featherpaw and Moonpaw.

-No inappropriate content.

-Tag me in the chapter so I can see it.

-Not lots of blood or gore. (Idk why you'd do this. Just in case....)

-You can have your Oc in a corner or something, but don't have it center the drawing or anything like that.


-Comment down below, "Area 51" if you are entering.

Entries close 14th of Feb, 2016 (Keep in mind I'm 1 day ahead of most of you because I live in Australia.) Your entry must be finished by the 1st of March, 2016. 

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing your entries~


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