Part 4

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When Nathan walked in, Sophie forgot to breathe. More precisely, she couldn't. Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt choked.

God, how things changed? It was only yesterday that he had kissed her ever so softly, like he had meant it.

Goodness, she missed him already. She missed the feel of his lips on hers, the soft, tantalizing way he kissed her. The first time they'd kissed had been wonderful. He'd been all slow, thoughtful movements.

Everyone who noticed Nathan walk in, seemed to freeze, then look at her. Sophie felt mortified. But when his eyes met hers, the rest of the world ceased to exist. And then there were just the two of the them, the only thing she could feel, except, well, that constant pain that had been in her chest since yesterday. Looking at him just made it increase a ten fold. 

She looked at him then. He looked great. Great as ever. Her heart felt caged all of a sudden. It would've softened, if he'd have looked the least bit disheveled, the least bit bothered. But he moved with nonchalant arrogance and no cares in the world.

Was it easy? She wanted to ask. Like what we had was nothing? Like we were nothing? Like 'I' was nothing?

Why did he have to leave like that? Without a reason? She didn't blame him. Of course not. She knew she wasn't suposed to fall in love with him. But why did he have to do that? Make her world spin round then walk away? Leave her all dizzy and confused before she could even get used to the turns? How could he do that? Suddenly blindside her and make her question everything that happened between them?

Do you remember the promises? She wanted to ask.

Nathan laughed as Sophie told him about an episode with her neighbour's dog.

She loved to hear him laugh. His laughter was beautiful. It filled the room, and her heart. It wasn't that throaty kinds and all. Just the right amount of husky.

"Fuck, you're too cute." He said, then pinched the top of her nose lightly, then grinned.

"Oh, I know." She sassed.

His grin slowly faded, before it turned into a soft smile.

"You make me so happy. I think I'll just be with you forever." Nathan announced, looking her square in the eye, then taking her hand, tracing the curve of her palm.

Every inch of her, it seemed was filled with warmth. She loved that she was capable of making him happy, and in return she felt rewarded.

"Really?" She whispered.
"Promise." He said.

He stood up then and told her he had to go. She nodded, kissed his cheek and walked him to her door. He walked out, and before turning away, threw her a grin over his shoulder.

And that was it. She was in love.

She had thought he was a nice guy. Well, maybe he was. But every guy seems nice until he's not. Ain't it?


Harry styles and his accent,

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