Part 5

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She had been thinking so hard, only when Sydney told her that she had to go did Sophie realise that she had been staring at Nathan. She tore her gaze away from him, then turned to Natalie.

"Come on." She told her and Vade. The words were oddly similar to what Nathan had said to her yesterday. God, everywhere she turned, there were memories.

"No, look." Natalie answered. Sophie followed her gaze and her eyes landed back on Nathan.

He stood at his locker with Tori, Sydney's best friend, and from what she could make out, they were flirting.

Tori smiled shyly at whatever he said and Nathan laughed when she said something. He wasn't really laughing though, he didn't throw his head back, or grinned at her after getting normal. Sophie had him memorized like the words to her favourite tune, she could never be wrong in reading him.

The look in her eyes was that of fake sincerity, and the way his lips curved up into a smile wasn't real. He feigned interest in whatever Tori was saying, and occasionally laughed.

Sophie remembered how it had been with them, instant attraction, like a candle lighting itself at the slightest bit of fire near it.

He hadn't been able to stop from flirting, and she had made him laugh very often, he had been a sweet talker. His words were like a drug, she could never get enough.

Sophie walked to her locker, giving occasional smiles to anyone who said hi. Holy fuck. It had been one of the worst days of her life.

She opened the door with too much force and ended up slicing open her finger.

"Ow. Fuck." She sweared under her breath, hissing in pain.

Sucking at her finger, she began dumping her things in.

"Hey Sophie." Nathan Hill smiled at her, opening the locker beside hers.

Good God, of course his would be the one beside hers. The most popular guy of the school. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Hey." She said back.

"You look nice. I like the new haircut." He drawled, running his fingers through her hair.

Shit, where did he get that accent from?

She had to keep her mouth from falling open because, damn, Nathan Hill was talking to her. And complimenting her hair. Seriously? How did he even know her name.

Ok, wait, she was quite popular too. But, holy fucking shit, Nathan Hill was talking to her.

All she wanted to do, was squeal.

"Thanks, Nate." She squeaked out.



He smiled warmly at her. "Nathan, say Nathan."

Ah. Ok.

"Nathan." She smiled back.

He smirked. Holy fuck. He smirked. Damn, was he beautiful.

"I like the sound of that." Nathan winked at her.

Sophie felt her cheeks heat up. Why the fuck was she blushing?

She smiled at him, then began walking away.

"Hey, wait!" He ran after her.

"Are you coming to Sean's party this Friday?"

"I don't know, I guess."

He smiled at her, all his teeth gleaming and all. God, beautiful.

"You should come. Really."

She nodded, then told him she'd try.

Holy fucking shit, she thought. Holy fucking shit.

Tori looked hung up on Nathan. He was working his magic on her.

Was she so easy to get over? Sophie thought.

Then Nathan said goodbye to Tori, that mock salute Sophie had grown so accustomed to. And then he walked past her, a breeze.

And like a flash, she felt different. She felt lost. She felt broken.


Oh and I need covers!!!

Zayn Malik and Pillowtalk,
~ Stuti

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