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I know that this is a very heated topic but I need to get this out there. Feminism is a huge topic and it would be unfair to you guys to not know this about me. Remember to please be respectful. I don't mind criticism as long as it's constructive and is given in a respectful way. You don't have to agree with what I have to say but please just hear me out and I will eventually explain everything I believe on this topic and why.

Fist off, I think feminism in itself is a good thing. Equality is something that is needed in this world. I admire the women who fought for women's rights. They were courageous for sticking up for themselves and pointing out the mistreatment. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have the opportunities I do today. However, I do have some problems with modern feminism.

It is not feminism in itself that I have a problem with, but the modern voiced of it. Today I can hardly go anywhere without hearing the word feminism at least once. I see a huge difference between what feminists think they're doing and what they're actually doing. Feminists say they are for equality, but today it seems more and more like they are fighting for female superiority, and they're winning. When it's injustice towards a woman there's an uproar, but when an injustice toward a man happens it often gets overlooked. Today if a women says something about a man it is excused but when a man says something about a women's it's almost always automatically sexism.

Women have advantages in health care. When a couple gets divorced the woman wins the custody an overwhelming majority of the time. Shouldn't the custody go to the parent that is most suited for raising them? You would think so and yet there's a lot of mothers out there who received costly of their children and are not suited to be parents on their own. Wherever we go there's a fight for breast cancer. I know men can have breast cancer too but what about prostate cancer, leukemia, brain cancer, lung cancer, etc.? You hardly hear about them even though they effect and kill just as many people. It irritates me.

As for the wage gap it's probably not as big as most people think. Look at the data closely they show people working in the same area but they don't give any data on position, capability, work hours, and the many other things that go into wages. Also, women are more likely to take lesser paying jobs, not because they're forced to but because they want to. They are also more likely to work less hours and look for a job that's more flexible. When you take all of this into account the wage gap lessens significantly. Also about the raises, women are more likely to not ask for a raise but that's not necessarily a bad thing. What if they're happy with the amount they're getting paid? What if they feel like they don't need a raise? It's good to be grateful for what you have first then set goals to reach higher. Also, remember a lot more goes into a raise than just smile asking for it.

Women today feel like being a stay at home mom is an offense. Many children are now left at daycare with people the parents may not know. I know there are some great day cares out there and that's not the problem. I would rather stay at home with my children than to leave them at a daycare and worry about my child who I left with some random stranger and be worrying about them all day. I think staying at home with the kids is an honor. You get to raise someone who may turn out to do something great. When they do you get to say, I raised that person, I stayed at home and work hard and that hard work payed off. You would feel a sense of pride after years of staying at home raising them and they turned out to be a phenomenal person. I am aware that there are some moms who have to work and that's alright. I just don't think there's any shame in staying at home with the kids. In fact when you meet someone who trusts you enough to raise their child that is something to be honored by. I think being a stay at home moms or a stay at home dad is an amazing job that I hope I get to do someday.

The figureheads of feminism like Anita Sarkeesian have been talking about how women are objectified in video games.  I honestly think feminists are working too hard on this topic. They nit pick the video game world to find stuff that supports their agenda. Sarkeesian comments on women's clothing and how it embassies certain aspects of their body to make them more sexual. She talks like its a thing that only happens to women in video games when that's not true. Men are also sexually objectified in games. A good amount of men in video games are extremely buff and their clothes highlight that. Just like women's clothes highlight their boobs and butts sometimes. She talks like all video games do this as well. She chosen the examples that do and leave the rest behind. She doesn't even bring in the strong females who don't have emphasis on those qualities and often goes overboard when doing so. She also makes it seems like all women have to be the one to be saved in video games. A good example of one of the characters she ignores is Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series. Zella's clothes do not bring attention to her body and do not sexually objectify her. At some moments Zelda is seen to not need Link's help and sometimes needs to help Link or even save him. In Twilight Princess Link would not have been able to defeat Ganon with out her help and several times thought the game Link has to go to her for help because he can't do it on his own. In Wind Waker the first time Link meets her is when she's saving him and through out the game she doesn't really need his help for the most part. I know this paragraph was really rambles but just know to be aware that stuff like this is often exaggerated by feminists.

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